Delicious Dorayaki

Dorayaki is a round pastry with two golden-brown crispy outer layers that encase a soft filling. Its appearance resembles a smooth and round bronze gong, producing a delightful sound when tapped, creating a sense of surprise and anticipation. Now, let’s indulge in its taste. As you bite into the outer layer of Dorayaki, warm air…

Categorized as Dessert

Flame Pufferfish

In the vast ocean, there are many delicious and mouthwatering seafood options. And among them, one dish that is incredibly tempting is the pufferfish. From its appearance to its texture, it showcases the magic and richness of the ocean. The pufferfish leaves a profound first impression with its exquisite appearance. It typically appears as silver-white…


Calories: 300kcal/100g Nutritional value: Tonifies Qi, nourishes the stomach, promotes recovery, and delays aging. Not suitable for: Individuals with infectious diseases, liver disease, kidney disease, high cholesterol, and high fat intake. Introduction: Brisket has a sweet taste and neutral property. It belongs to the spleen and stomach meridians. It refers to the meat piece with…

Categorized as Cow, Meat


Calories: 125kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Tonifies qi, nourishes the stomach, promotes recovery, aids in weight loss Not suitable for: Individuals with excessive internal heat, liver disease, kidney disease Introduction: Rapeseed greens are a vegetable that is rich in nutrients and low in calories. They are known to tonify qi, nourish the stomach, promote recovery, and aid…

Categorized as Cow

Mushroom Tofu Soup

Mushroom Tofu Soup“香菇豆腐汤”(Xiāng gū dòufu tāng ). On a cold winter’s day, a steaming bowl of Mushroom Tofu Soup not only nourishes the body but also uplifts the soul. This article will take you on a journey to savor the deliciousness of Mushroom Tofu Soup and appreciate the fascinating process of making it. Mushroom Tofu…

Spicy and Fragrant Flower Clam Claypot

Spicy and Fragrant Flower Clam Claypot“香辣花甲煲”(Xiāng là huā jiǎ bāo ). On a cold winter night, a fragrant and spicy stir-fried clams pot emits an irresistible aroma, bringing warmth and comfort to everyone at the dining table. This dish is so mouthwatering that it’s hard to resist. When the clams are cooked to perfection, they…

Delicious and Fragrant Potato Dumplings

Potato dumplings are a creative and nutritious delicacy, with an exquisite and beautiful appearance resembling a piece of art. Each dumpling is shaped like a crescent, with thin, crispy edges and a smooth surface that instantly arouses one’s appetite. The texture is truly unique, with a crunchy outer layer and a soft, glutinous filling that…

Chicken wings

Chicken wings 鸡翅 ( jī chì ) Also known as:  big twist Calories: 194kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Warm the middle and invigorate qi , Nourish essence and replenish marrow, Strengthen the waist and invigorate the stomach Not Suitable for: Hot toxin boils and swellings , Hypertension and High blood lipids  ,Cholecystitis and Gallstones Introduction:  Chicken wings…

Chicken breast

Chicken breast  鸡胸肉 ( jī xiōng ròu ) Calories: 184kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Benefiting the spleen and stomach, promoting blood circulation, and strengthening tendons and bones. Not Suitable for: High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes. Introduction: Chicken breast, the two largest pieces of meat on a chicken, is located on the inside of the chest. It…

Chicken gizzard

Chicken gizzard  鸡胗 ( jī zhēn ) Also known as: County live Calories: 118kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Stop semen leakage and consolidate essence. Stop semen leakage and consolidate essence.Promote digestion and relieve food stagnation. Not Suitable for: hyperlipidemia  patients with liver disease high cholesterol Introduction: Chicken gizzard is referred to as the esophagus and stomach parts of…