Cattle stomach

Cattle stomach 毛肚 (máo dǔ) Calories: 130kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Weight loss, Nutritional supplement, and Appetite enhancement Not Suitable for: High fat and Cholesterol Introduction: Cattle stomach refers to the rumen portion of a cow’s stomach. There are two types of cattle stomach available: yellow rumen, which comes from cows raised on feed, and black rumen,…

Categorized as Cow, Meat


Mutton  羊肉  ( yáng ròu ) Calories: 300kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourishes the liver and improves eyesight, warms and nourishes the spleen and stomach, nourishes blood and warms the meridians Not Suitable for: Hypertensive patients Introduction: Mutton refers to the meat from sheep and is one of the commonly consumed meats worldwide. The texture of mutton…

Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Beef ball

Beef ball 牛肉丸 (niú ròu wán) Calories: 167kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nutrition supplement, Invigorate Qi, and Improve brain function. Not Suitable for: High cholesterol Introduction: Beef ball is a food made from beef and starch. It can be served as a snack or as a dish in soup or banquet menus. The texture of beef ball…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Spiced beef

Spiced beef  卤牛肉 (lǔ niú ròu) Calories: 170kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Replenish vital energy, strengthen spleen and appetite, and strengthen muscles and bones Not Suitable for: High fat and cholesterol Introduction: Spiced beef refers to beef that has been cooked using a braising method. When fully cooked, it has a brownish-yellow color, glossy surface, no burnt…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Crunchy and refreshing: Onion mixed with Shepherd’s Purse

Onion mixed with Shepherd’s Purse“洋葱拌荆菜”(Yáng cōng bàn jīng cài ). “Onion mixed with Shepherd’s Purse” is a simple yet flavorful dish. It combines the sweetness of onion with the refreshing taste of Shepherd’s Purse, creating a unique sensory experience. When onion meets Shepherd’s Purse, a magical chemical reaction occurs. The sweetness of the onion blends…

Home-style ribs hot pot

Home-style ribs hot pot“家常排骨小火锅“(Jiācháng páigǔ xiǎo huǒguō ). Winter is coming, and snowflakes are fluttering outside the window. The family gathers around the dining table, enjoying a steaming pot of home-style pork rib hot pot. This is undoubtedly the simplest form of happiness. This dish not only warms the body but also warms the heart,…

Crevettes sauce brune

Crevettes sauce brune“油闷大虾”(Yóu mèn dà xiā ). In a peaceful fishing village, there is a picturesque scene with turquoise sea, blue sky, and fresh air. The gentle breeze carries the salty aroma of the ocean. Walking along the path, I can already smell the enticing fragrance of delicious food in the distance. It is a…

Home-style Teriyaki Chicken Thigh Rice

Teriyaki Chicken Thigh Rice“照烧鸡腿饭”(zhào shāo jī tuǐ fàn). On that splendid afternoon, a bowl of fragrant teriyaki chicken leg rice was placed in front of me. The taste hit me immediately, as if it had touched the strings of my taste buds, initiating the prelude to a culinary journey. Firstly, I was drawn to its…


Chick 仔鸡 ( zǐ jī ) Calories: 64.26kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Strengthen the body and improve immunity Not Suitable for: Cholecystitis, Gallstones, Obesity, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia Introduction:  Chick refers to young and small chickens. The meat of chick contains very little elastic connective tissue, making it easily absorbed by the digestive organs of the human body. The…

Sanhuang chicken

Sanhuang Chicken 三黄鸡( sān huáng jī ) Calories: 166kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Warming the spleen and qi, Protecting cardiovascular system Not Suitable for: Obesity, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Cholecystitis, Gallstones Introduction: Sanhuang Chicken is characterized by a compact body shape, symmetrical posture, straight back, tight wings, and high-pitched tail feathers, resembling a “Yuanbao” (a Chinese coin). The head…