Goat heart

Goat heart  羊心 ( yáng xīn ) Calories: 113kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourish the heart and calm the nerves, Protect the bones, Enrich the blood and Invigorate the qi Not Suitable for: High cholesterol Introduction: Goat heart refers to the heart of a goat or sheep. It is an organ meat and is considered a nourishing…

Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Lamb’s trotters

Lamb’s trotters  羊蹄(yáng tí) Calories: 159kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourish qi and blood, Strengthen muscles and bones Not Suitable for: Poor liver and kidney function Introduction: Lamb’s trotters refer to the four feet of a goat or sheep. It is an important ingredient in preparing exquisite banquet dishes and is known for its chewy texture. Lamb’s…

Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Lamb’s Brain

Lamb’s Brain 羊脑 (yáng nǎo) Calories: 142kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promote wound healing and brain nourishment Not Suitable for: Cardiovascular disease Introduction: Lamb’s Brain refers to the brain of a goat or sheep. Goat or sheep brain is commonly used in dishes like hot pot and is known for its delicate and delicious taste, making it…

Categorized as Meat, Sheep


Calories: 193kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Warm the center and dispel cold、 Warm and nourish the spleen and stomach、Warm and nourish the liver and kidney Not Suitable for: Hypertension、Acute enteritis Introduction: Jemmy refers to the head of a goat or sheep, which contains rich nutrients. Consuming Jemmy meat or drinking lamb head soup in winter can increase…

Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham

Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham”土豆火腿焖面”(Tǔ dòu huǒ tuǐ mèn miàn). On this cold winter afternoon, a steaming bowl of Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham is placed before me. The aroma of the dish fills the air, instantly warming my heart, as if a ray of sunshine has touched the chilly winter day. Firstly,…

Categorized as Dessert

Homemade Spicy Peanut Delicacy

Bizarre-flavored peanuts ”怪味花生“(guài wèi huā shēng), resembling a tantalizing expedition for the taste buds. Each nut comes veiled in mystery, eagerly awaiting your exploration. They can be intensely spicy, irresistibly sweet, or perfectly savory, as if narrating their individual tales. Throughout this journey of discovery, your taste buds will be continuously tested and revitalized, delivering…

Appetizing Cucumber Strips

Appetizing Cucumber Strips“开胃黄瓜条”(kāi wèi huáng guā tiáo). In a sweltering summer afternoon, a platter of refreshing and delectable appetizing cucumber strips sits on the table, as if presenting a fresh feast for the palate. Adorned in a verdant green robe, these slender cucumber strips emit a delightful aroma. Each strip appears to be brimming with…

Refreshing and Appetizing Shredded Kelp Salad

Refreshing and Appetizing Shredded Kelp Salad  清爽开胃海带丝 ( qīng shuǎng kāi wèi hǎi dài sī) Appetizing Shredded Kelp, like the essence of the ocean and a gift from nature, perfectly blends the deliciousness of the sea with nature’s bounty. It resembles vibrant green ribbons, delicate and lively, instantly evoking the charm of the ocean. Each…

Fresh and elegant: Boiled Cabbage

  Boiled Cabbage “kai’shui开水白菜“(kāi shuǐ bái cài). A humble and poetic delicacy, has charmed people with its simple preparation and pure taste. When this refreshing boiled cabbage is placed on the table, it seems as if the whole world becomes serene and pleasant. Boiled Cabbage is made up of tender green cabbage leaves that are…

Beef back strap

Beef back strap 牛板筋 ( niú bǎn jīn ) Calories: 167kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Delay aging,Strengthen muscles and bones, Promote appetite Not Suitable for: Gout Introduction: Beef back strap refers to the main tendons that connect the muscles throughout the back of a cow. It has a chewy texture and rich flavor. The primary component of…

Categorized as Cow, Meat