Nutritious Breakfast: Egg and Vegetable Pancake

Published Categorized as Staple food

Egg and Vegetable Pancake, that’s an absolute star on the breakfast table! The golden hue of the eggs complements the vibrant green vegetables, creating a visual feast that instantly reminds us of nature’s bounty. Every bite is filled with delightful layers – starting with the soft and chewy pancake, followed by the smooth and tender eggs, and the refreshing crunch of the vegetables. It’s a perfect fusion that leaves you craving for more. Not only is this dish delicious, but it’s also packed with nutrients, giving you a fresh burst of energy for the day ahead!

Ingredients for Egg and Vegetable Pancake:

Flour 300g
Salt 5g
Scallion 20g
Shiitake mushroom 20g
Egg 200g
Edible oil 5g
Thirteen-spices 2g
Pepper powder 2g


1.First, pour 300 grams of flour into a bowl and add 3 grams of salt. Stir the salt evenly with chopsticks, ensuring that it is well distributed in the flour. Next, divide the flour in half and pour one half into boiling water. Stir the flour and hot water with chopsticks until it forms lumps. Pour the other half of the flour into cold water and also stir with chopsticks to form lumps. Then, combine the two portions of lumpy dough together and begin kneading it into a dough. Through repeated squeezing and pressing actions, the dough gradually becomes soft and elastic. Once the dough is properly kneaded, cover it with a lid or damp cloth and let it rest in a warm place for 10 minutes.

2.Take out 5 scallions and finely chop them. Make sure to cut the scallions evenly and finely to enhance their aroma and provide a better texture. Next, you can slice the shiitake mushrooms and then dice them into small pieces. This step is done to make the scallions smaller so that they mix well with the diced mushrooms. Put the chopped scallions and diced mushrooms together in a bowl, as they will be used as ingredients for the egg and vegetable pancakes. The addition of these vegetables will add rich aromas and flavors to the pancakes.

3.Next, take another small bowl and crack 4 eggs into it. Then, add 2 grams of salt and use chopsticks or an egg beater to whisk and beat the eggs and salt together, creating a uniform egg mixture. Adding salt enhances the taste of the eggs and helps balance the flavors. Ensure that the eggs are thoroughly beaten and the whites and yolks are well incorporated. This ensures a more even distribution of the egg mixture and results in better texture in the final dish.


4.Heat oil in a pan and wait until the oil is fully heated. Perform a “slippery pan” technique, ensuring that the entire surface of the pan is thinly coated with oil. This prevents the eggs from sticking to the bottom of the pan and makes them easier to stir-fry. Then, pour the previously mixed egg mixture into the pan. Quickly stir-fry the eggs with a spatula or chopsticks until they become small lumps. Ensure that the eggs are evenly heated without being overcooked. Transfer the stir-fried scrambled eggs to a plate and use a knife to further chop them into smaller pieces. This step makes the eggs more delicate and helps them blend well with the chopped scallions and diced mushrooms. Next, add the chopped eggs to the bowl containing the scallions and mushrooms. Add 5 grams of cooking oil, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of thirteen-spice seasoning, and 2 grams of pepper. Finally, use chopsticks to mix all the ingredients thoroughly, ensuring even distribution of flavors and aromas.
5.After 10 minutes, sprinkle flour on the chopping board. Take out the rested dough and knead it into a long strip on the chopping board. Divide the strip into equal-sized dough pieces, then shape each piece into a small dough ball. Roll out the dough balls with a rolling pin to create thin and evenly sized pastry shells.
6.After rolling out the dough, we can proceed to the next step. First, place the prepared filling onto the pastry shell, then fold the shell from the top, encasing the filling within. Ensure that the edges of the pastry shell on both sides are sealed together to prevent the filling from spilling out. Then, use your fingers or the edge of a pastry mold to gently press and seal the ends of the pastry shell together. This ensures a tight bond between the pastry shell and the filling, preventing them from coming apart. Repeat the same process to make the remaining pastries until all are completed.
7.Add an appropriate amount of water to a pot and bring it to a boil. Once the water is boiling, place the prepared pastries in the pot. Cover the pot with a lid and steam the pastries for about 10 minutes. Steaming allows the pastries to be fully heated, maintaining a moist texture and helping the filling and pastry shells blend together well. After 10 minutes, carefully remove the steamed pastries and place them on a table. It is recommended to let the pastries cool to room temperature before consuming. This helps preserve the texture and flavor of the pastries. Once cooled, the pastries are ready to be enjoyed.




1.During the kneading process, you can gradually add water and mix it well so that the dough can achieve a soft, elastic, and non-sticky texture. Be careful not to add too much water, as the dough will become overly moist and difficult to work with.

2.Before rolling out the dough, divide it into small pieces of suitable size and use a rolling pin to roll them into thin sheets. Pay attention to maintaining an even thickness of the pastry skin, which ensures that the pancakes are cooked thoroughly and have a consistent texture.

Egg and Vegetable Pancake is like a delightful feast for the taste buds. The golden eggs, resembling delicate ribbons, tightly wrap around the green vegetables and soft, chewy pancake skin. When the pancake skin meets the eggs and vegetables, they explode into a delicious celebration in your mouth. Every bite offers a taste of that unique freshness and deliciousness, leaving you captivated. This dish is not only easy to make but also nutritionally balanced, providing a healthy addition to your diet!


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