Long bean

Published Categorized as Root vegetable, Vegetables

Long beans 长豆角 ( Cháng dòu jiǎo )
Classification: Genus Vigna in the family Fabaceae
Calories: 30kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Promote digestion、 Lower blood sugar and promote weight loss、 Supplement vitamins
Not suitable for: Abdominal bloating
Introduction: Long beans are a vegetable commonly harvested during the summer.They contain various vitamins and minerals.The tender pods have plump flesh and can be stir-fried to achieve a crisp and tender texture.They can also be blanched and served cold or pickled.The pods are long and cylindrical, crunchy, and flexible.There are two common varieties: white long beans and green long beans.Long beans are rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, and plant proteins.They can help clear the mind and have multiple health benefits, including regulating the digestive system, relieving bloating, quenching thirst, strengthening the spleen, tonifying the kidney, and stopping diarrhea.Consuming long beans in summer can effectively relieve heat and have a cooling effect.The B vitamins in long beans help maintain normal secretion of digestive glands and gastrointestinal motility, while inhibiting cholinesterase activity, aiding digestion, and increasing appetite.The vitamin C in long beans promotes the synthesis of antibodies in the body, enhances the body’s virus-fighting ability, and can prevent acute gastroenteritis and vomiting.Long beans provide easily digestible and high-quality protein,moderate amounts of carbohydrates, as well as various vitamins and trace elements, making them a nutritious addition to one’s diet.When selecting long beans, look for evenly sized beans with vibrant color, a translucent and glossy appearance, and plump seeds.Avoid purchasing long beans with cracks, wrinkles, excessively thin pods without seeds, or signs of insect damage.

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