Lamb Marrow

Published Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Lamb marrow 羊髓 ( yáng suǐ )
Calories: 106kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Supplement nutrition、Provide energy
Not Suitable for: Liver disease、Diabetes、hyperlipidemia、Acute gastritis
Introduction: Lamb marrow refers to the bone marrow or spinal cord of a lamb.Lamb marrow is rich in nutrients and has various health benefits.It can nourish the lungs, moisturize the skin and hair, and help alleviate dry skin conditions and symptoms of coughing.Lamb marrow also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying the body, reducing heat-related ailments and soothing inflammation.It is beneficial for treating excessive thirst by generating body fluids and relieving symptoms of thirst and dry mouth.Being rich in fats, lamb marrow, when consumed in moderation, can help lubricate the intestines, promote bowel movements, and relieve symptoms of dry stool and constipation.The proteins, amino acids, and trace elements found in lamb marrow can supplement the body’s nutritional needs, enhance immune function, and improve the body’s ability to resist diseases.It is important to note that lamb marrow is a warm food, and excessive consumption may lead to symptoms of excessive internal heat and dryness such as dry mouth.When purchasing lamb marrow, fresh marrow should have a bright color, no odor, and no sticky or unusual substances on the surface.

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