Kung Pao Chicken:A spicy, rich and annoying Sichuan dish

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

“Kung Pao Chicken” is a combination of taste and nutrition in one of the delicacies. It has the effect of warming the qi, tonifying the five viscera, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and strengthening the muscles and bones. Food can nourish the body, increase appetite, promote human health and enhance the body’s resistance.

Ingredients for kung pao chicken


Chicken drumstick 400g
Dried chilli 10g
Thick chili powder 25g
Alkanet 2g
Ginger 3g
Garlic 2g
Green onion 5g
Zanthoxylum oil 30g
Yellow rice wine 5g
Salt 15g
Egg white half
Starch 20g
Sugar 30g
Rice vinegar 35g
Soy sauce 20g
Peanut 50g





1.Prepare the necessary ingredients.

2.Place chili powder into a pan. In another pan, heat oil until it reaches 70% of its temperature, then gradually pour half of it onto the chili powder while stirring.Allow the remaining oil to cool down to 50% of its temperature, then pour it over the chili powder. Add purple perilla and mix well. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, turn off the heat, and let it sit overnight.


3.Soak peanuts in boiling water, remove the skins after they have softened.

4.Heat an oil pan over low heat and stir-fry the peanuts until they turn slightly golden. Remove from the pan.

5.Debone and dice the chicken thigh. Marinate with rice wine, salt, and egg white. Add cornstarch and mix well.


6.Make the sauce by combining rice wine, salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, and cornstarch. Mix well.

7.Heat a suitable amount of overnight chili oil over low heat, then add Sichuan peppercorns and dried chili peppers. Stir-fry until they turn reddish-brown.

8.Add the diced chicken, increase the heat, and stir-fry briefly. Immediately add ginger slices and garlic, stir-fry for half a minute, then pour in the sauce and stir-fry quickly.

9.Add scallion segments and peanuts, stir-fry until the sauce coats everything completely.

10.Add a small amount of Sichuan peppercorn oil and continue stir-frying.

11.Serve and enjoy your meal!


1.Choose fresh chicken thighs and avoid any that are rotten.

2.Choose peanuts with intact, smooth skins, free from obvious cracks or damage, and steer clear of peanuts with mold spots or blackened appearance.

3.The marinating time should not be too short.


This article introduces the background, preparation method, and nutritional value of Kung Pao Chicken. It explores the differences and characteristics in how this dish is made in different regions. Additionally, it shares some common cooking tips and precautions. We hope you enjoy it.

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