How to make minced pork tofu

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

The texture of minced pork tofu is very delicate, with soft and sticky tofu and fresh and delicious minced pork, making people unable to stop eating. In addition to good taste, minced pork tofu also has rich nutritional value. Tofu contains a lot of protein, calcium, vitamins and other nutrients, while pork contains a lot of protein and iron. This dish is both delicious and healthy.

Ingredients for minced pork tofu

Silken tofu 500g
Pork 500g
Green onion 5g
Ginger 4g
Chopped pepper sauce 5g
Scallion 4g
Light soy sauce 5g
Salt 2g
Sugar 1g
Chicken powder 1g
Dark soy sauce 2g
Starch 2g


1.First, we prepare the ingredients. Take a piece of silken tofu and cut it into thick slices, then dice it into one-centimeter-sized diamond-shaped blocks and put them in a dish. Prepare a small amount of pork, slice it into uniform thin slices, then mince it into meatballs and put it in a bowl. Chop a section of Chinese celery and put it in a bowl. Peel and mince some ginger and put it in the same bowl. Add five grams of chopped pepper sauce to the bowl. Chop two green onions and put them in the bowl.

2.After all the ingredients are ready, we start cooking. Heat the pan, slide the pork into the pan quickly, and stir-fry until the pork is fragrant. Then add the ginger and chili sauce, and stir-fry until they are fragrant. Add a little water, boil it, and start seasoning. Add five grams of light soy sauce, two grams of salt, one gram of sugar, one gram of chicken powder, stir well to dissolve the seasoning, add two grams of dark soy sauce to adjust the color, then add a little water淀粉to make the sauce more rich. Evenly pour the seasoned sauce over the diced tofu.

3.Add water to a pot and put a bamboo grate on top. Turn on high heat and boil the water. When the water starts boiling, put the tofu on the grate and steam it for eight minutes. After eight minutes, the tofu has been steamed enough. Take it out of the pot and sprinkle some green onion on top for garnish. The simple and delicious minced pork tofu is ready to eat.


1.Meat should be marinated with raw flour or egg white before cooking, which will make it more tender and delicious.
2.It is recommended to choose silken tofu for the dish. This kind of tofu has a more delicate texture and absorbs the soup better.
3.When cooking the tofu, it should not be stir-fried excessively, to avoid breaking the tofu and affecting the taste.

Minced meat tofu is a delicious home-cooked dish that is not only delicious and nutritious, but also easy to make and suitable for all ages. If you haven’t tried it yet, why not give it a try? I’m sure you will love its delicious taste.

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