How to make fried tofu with shallots

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

When tasting this dish, you can pick up a piece of tofu with chopsticks, chew it slowly in your mouth, and feel its crispy on the outside and tender taste. Then match some rice or noodles to make this dish a delicious meal or supper. Whether it’s a family dinner, a friends party or a dinner alone, fried tofu with scallion is a delicacy that you can’t miss.

Ingredients for fried tofu with shallots

Scallion 280g
Firm tofu 500g
Dried chilli 5g
Salt 2g
Chicken powder 2g
Pepper powder 1g
Starch 2g
Sesame oil 4g


1.Today, I would like to share a recipe for fried tofu with scallion. A handful of scallion, remove the old leaves, wash them clean, and cut them into small scallion. A piece of firm tofu, cut into square pieces and put it in a basin. Before frying tofu, we need to dry the moisture on the surface of tofu, so as to avoid sticking to the pan when frying. This step is very important, because if there is water, it will easily stick together when frying, affecting the taste.

2.Burn the pot for a while and dry the pot. Heat oil in the pan. After the oil is warm, add slices of tofu piece by one and fry it in the pan. Tips: There is no moisture on the tofu, so the tofu won’t stick to the pot. If you dry the pot, there will be no moisture in the pot. You can also use cold oil in the hot pot. These are tips for tofu non-stick pan. Shake the frying pan so that the tofu is evenly heated. Fry for about two minutes, fry one side until golden, turn over and fry the other side. Shake the pan often. Fry both sides of the tofu until golden and pour it out for later use.

3.Leave oil in the pan, pour in the scallionsections, grab two grams of dried chili, pour in the fried tofu, add two grams of salt, two grams of chicken powder, one gram of pepperpowder, add a little water, stir-fry, melt the seasoning, and then add a little water starch to make the seasoning better attached tofu to make the tofu more tasty. Finally, sprinkle a little sesame oil to brighten the color. After stir-fry evenly, it can be put on the pot and put on the plate. Well, this simple home-cooked scallion tofu is ready.


1.Marinate the tofu before frying, which can increase the taste and taste of tofu.
2.Tofu needs to be fryed slowly over medium and low heat. The heat should not be too high to avoid frying.

The taste of fried tofu with scallion is very unique. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The tofu is soft and glutinous, and the chopped scallion are fragrant, which greatly increases people’s appetite. This dish is not only delicious, but also nutritious. Tofu is rich in high-quality protein, calcium, iron and other nutrients, which is very beneficial to human health. Onions are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help strengthen human immunity.

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