Homestyle roasted chicken

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Imagine as you open the oven, a delightful aroma wafts through the air, instantly filling the entire kitchen. That’s the scent of homestyle roasted chicken, making you take a deep breath to savor the wonderful moment. The chicken’s surface is golden and crispy, radiating an enticing sheen that seems to beckon you closer. Each piece of chicken is infused with rich roasted flavors, and with each bite, you experience the tender and juicy meat that leaves you entranced. Complemented by a touch of fragrant spices and fresh vegetables, this homestyle dish acquires a five-star dining experience. Sitting at the table, you indulge in this marvelous culinary feast, marveling at the beauty of the world.

Ingredients for Roasted chicken:

Chicken 500g
Scallion 10g
Ginger 10g
Light soy sauce 6g
Dark soy sauce 3g
Cooking wine 3g
Oyster sauce 3g
Salt 3g
Honey 15g
Fennel Seeds 3g
Black pepper powder 5g
Cajun seasoning 15g



1.First, to enhance the texture and flavor of the chicken, make small incisions on the surface of the chicken. This step helps the seasonings penetrate the meat better, resulting in a more delicious roasted chicken. Next, hollow out the chicken’s cavity and stuff it with scallions and ginger. The aroma of scallions and ginger further enhances the flavor of the chicken and adds depth to the overall taste. To add a unique spice flavor, sprinkle some fennel seeds. Fennel seeds have a distinct fragrance that adds a special aroma to the roasted chicken. Continue adding seasonings, including two tablespoons of light soy sauce, one tablespoon of dark soy sauce, one tablespoon of cooking wine, one tablespoon of oyster sauce, and one tablespoon of salt. These seasonings work together to increase the savory and umami flavors of the roasted chicken. Sprinkle some black pepper powder for a hint of spiciness and aroma. Black pepper powder also enhances the flavors of other spices and provides a more diverse taste experience for the roasted chicken. Drizzle an appropriate amount of honey, which gives the chicken a beautiful caramelized color and adds a touch of sweetness that balances well with the savory spices. To add a special taste, add one tablespoon of Cajun seasoning. Cajun seasoning typically contains chili peppers, herbs, and various spices, imparting a rich flavor and unique character to the roasted chicken. After stirring everything well, marinate the chicken in the refrigerator for at least one hour. This process allows the chicken to fully absorb all the seasonings, making it more flavorful and tasty. Through the aforementioned steps and seasoning additions, you can achieve a roasted chicken with a rich and flavorful taste.

2.Place the marinated chicken in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius and begin the baking process. This temperature will ensure that the chicken has a crispy exterior while being thoroughly cooked on the inside. During the approximate 30 minutes of baking, the hot air in the oven will gently roast the chicken, gradually turning it golden brown and releasing an enticing aroma. This time also allows the seasonings to penetrate the chicken, enhancing its flavor. Keep an eye on the chicken in the oven to ensure even heating without excessive charring. If necessary, you can flip the chicken at the appropriate time to ensure even heat distribution on both sides. After 30 minutes, you will notice that the chicken has a golden and crispy exterior while being tender and juicy on the inside. At this point, use a thermometer to check if the chicken has reached a safe internal temperature (165 degrees Celsius) to ensure it is fully cooked.

3.After removing the roasted chicken from the oven, brush them with a layer of honey. This step adds additional sweetness to the roasted chicken and creates a beautiful caramelized glaze on the surface. As you gently coat the chicken with honey, each piece will release an enticing aroma due to the sweet fragrance of honey. The honey also gives the roasted chicken a slightly sticky texture, making it more juicy and flavorful. Ensure each piece of chicken is evenly coated with honey, allowing the flavor of the honey to fully integrate into every bite of the roasted chicken, resulting in consistent and delicious flavors.

4.After brushing on the honey, you can return the chicken to the oven for further baking. The purpose of this step is to slightly thicken the honey and form a lightly caramelized exterior. Place the chicken back in the preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius and set the baking time for 10 minutes. During this time, the warm air in the oven will continue to roast the chicken, making the exterior even more golden and crispy while maintaining a tender and juicy interior. Keep an eye on the chicken in the oven to ensure even baking and avoid excessive charring. If necessary, you can rotate the position of the chicken to ensure even heat distribution throughout. After 10 minutes, remove the well-roasted chicken and place them on a baking sheet or cooling rack for cooling. This brief resting period helps the honey on the chicken’s surface slightly solidify, resulting in a more vibrant and enticing appearance. Now, you can taste this carefully roasted and honey-brushed chicken. With its crispy exterior and tender interior, it releases an irresistible aroma. The lightly caramelized and sweetened glaze enhances its deliciousness.


1.Preheat the oven to the appropriate temperature, typically between 180 to 200 degrees Celsius. Excessively high temperatures may cause the exterior to char prematurely while the interior remains undercooked.

2.After removing the roasted chicken from the oven, let it rest for a few minutes. This allows the juices to distribute evenly throughout the chicken, keeping the meat tender and juicy.

As you take your first bite of homemade roasted chicken, the familiar aroma and texture bring immense satisfaction. It feels like all weariness dissipates in that moment, leaving you only with enjoyment and gratitude. The tender meat and rich flavors fill each bite with contentment. And those carefully chosen spices and vegetables add the perfect finishing touch to the dish’s taste. You can’t help but marvel – this is the taste of home, this is the taste of love. In this warm moment, you feel incredibly happy and fulfilled.

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