Homemade method of hand-torn eggplant

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

In addition to its delicious taste, hand-pulled purple eggplant also has rich nutritional value. Due to the steaming method, the nutrients of the purple eggplant are retained to the greatest extent. Moreover, this dish is also added with appropriate amounts of garlic, chopped green onion, and chili peppers, which have the effects of sterilizing, enhancing immunity, and promoting blood circulation.

Ingredients for hand-torn eggplant

Purple eggplant one
Small chili pepper three
Garlic 6g
Coriander 2g
Salt 2g
Aginomoto 1g
Sugar 2g
Mature vinegar 3g
Chili oil 5g


1.Today we’re sharing a recipe for hand-pulled purple eggplant. First, we prepare the ingredients. Cleaned purple eggplant, remove the stem, cut into 5cm sections, then into even slices, and put them in a bowl. Cleaned and sliced three small chili pepper into rings. Four garlic cloves, smash and then dice. Cleaned and sliced one green coriander into small sections and put them in the bowl.

2.Now that we’ve prepared the ingredients, let’s start steaming the purple eggplant. Add some water to the pot, put the steamer on top, cover the pot. When the water starts boiling, put the purple eggplant on the steamer. Cover the pot, turn on the medium heat and steam for five minutes. After five minutes, the purple eggplant is soft and cooked, with a slightly wrinkled skin.

3.Prepare a large bowl, remove the steamer, and gently pour the purple eggplant into the bowl. Use your hands to tear the purple eggplant into even strips and let it cool down. These purple eggplant strips are more easily seasoned and cooked after being torn evenly. The cooled purple eggplant strips have a softer texture and won’t lose their original nutritional value due to high temperatures.

4.Next, we season the purple eggplant. In a small bowl with cleaned green peppers, garlic, etc., add two grams of salt, one gram of MSG (optional), a little sugar (mainly for enhancing flavor), three grams of mature vinegar, and five grams of chili oil. These seasonings will make the hand-pulled purple eggplant more flavorful and rich in taste.

5.Stir well after adding the seasonings, pour them into the bowl with the purple eggplant, and use a fork to gently mix so that each purple eggplant strip is evenly coated with seasonings. After fully absorbing the seasonings, transfer the purple eggplant to a plate. Each purple eggplant strip has a tempting sheen. These purple eggplants have become more flavorful and rich in texture after being hand-torn and seasoned.


1.When steaming the purple eggplant, put it in the steamer and steam it starting from cold water. Steam it for 10 minutes after the water starts boiling. This can use the steam to cook the purple eggplant while preserving its original taste.
2.After steaming the purple eggplant, remove it and slightly wring out the moisture. This can make the purple eggplant more compact and have a better texture.

Hand-pulled purple eggplant is a very appetizing home-cooked dish. It has a soft and delicious taste that leaves you unable to stop eating. If you want to prepare a nutritious dish for your family or friends, try this dish and I believe it will surprise you.

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