Home-style Teriyaki Chicken Thigh Rice

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Teriyaki Chicken Thigh Rice“照烧鸡腿饭”(zhào shāo jī tuǐ fàn).

On that splendid afternoon, a bowl of fragrant teriyaki chicken leg rice was placed in front of me. The taste hit me immediately, as if it had touched the strings of my taste buds, initiating the prelude to a culinary journey. Firstly, I was drawn to its golden and enticing appearance. The chicken leg was grilled to perfection, slightly charred with a hint of red shining through the teriyaki sauce, adding a beautiful touch of color to the entire dish. The rice was fluffy and flavorful, exuding a delightful aroma. The rice was sprinkled with black and white sesame seeds, embellishing this exquisite and unique delicacy. When I took the first bite, the tender texture of the meat and the rich teriyaki sauce flooded my palate. The chicken leg melted in my mouth, leaving behind a sweet and slightly salty flavor. The sweetness of the teriyaki sauce blended harmoniously with the savory taste of soy sauce, creating a magnificent symphony of flavors on my taste buds. Each mouthful of rice allowed me to experience the wonderful texture and distinctive taste. Besides the enjoyment of the taste, the teriyaki chicken leg rice fulfilled my visual and spiritual senses. Its alluring appearance and delightful aroma awakened endless fantasies about food. Eating this dish, I felt as if I were wandering through narrow alleys, immersing myself in Eastern culture and charm. The unique fragrance emanating from the grilled chicken leg reminded me of warm summer evening breezes and poetic moonlit nights.

Comprehensive rating:

10 min 5 min 9 Delicious and flavorful Moderate

Ingredients for teriyaki chicken rice:

Chicken drumstick 150g
Salt and pepper powder 3g
Low-gluten flour 50g
Chinese liquor 5ml
Rice wine 15ml
Soy sauce 3ml
Sugar 3g
Seaweed crumbs 5g
Chopped green onion 3g


1.Take boneless chicken thighs and cut them into evenly sized pieces. In a bowl, mix salt and pepper with a suitable amount of all-purpose flour, ensuring they are thoroughly combined. Next, place the chicken thigh pieces into the mixture and gently roll and press them, ensuring they are evenly coated with the salt, pepper, and flour. Marinate for five minutes, allowing the flavors to penetrate the chicken and enhance its richness. This step adds a crispy coating to the chicken thighs, elevating the texture and flavor.

2.In a frying pan, heat a sufficient amount of cooking oil until it reaches a medium-high temperature. When the oil starts smoking or small bubbles appear on the surface, it indicates that the oil is properly heated. Carefully place the marinated chicken thigh pieces one by one into the pan, listening to the crackling sound of the hot oil. As the chicken thighs go into the pan, they rapidly turn golden brown and crispy, developing an enticing caramelized color. During this process, the high temperature of the oil helps retain the moisture inside the chicken, resulting in a tender and juicy interior, while also creating a crispy and flavorful exterior.

3.In the same frying pan, add a suitable amount of white wine, sweet rice wine, and white sugar. Cook the mixture of wine and sugar over low heat for about 2 minutes, until the sugar dissolves and forms a slightly yellow, thick liquid. This cooking process will add a unique sweetness and aroma to the teriyaki chicken. Then, add the pre-marinated and browned chicken into the pan, ensuring that every piece is fully immersed in the wine-sugar liquid. Continue to stir-fry the chicken over medium-low heat, allowing it to fully incorporate and absorb the flavors of the sauce. This process takes approximately 2 minutes, until the chicken becomes plump and develops an appealing color. Once the chicken is cooked and colored, remove it from the frying pan and set it aside. At this point, the chicken will carry the sweet taste and color of the teriyaki sauce, ready to be served with fragrant steamed rice as a delicious teriyaki chicken and rice dish!

4.Place the steamed rice into a bowl, then sprinkle some crushed seaweed on top of the rice. These granulated seaweed pieces provide the rice with a more intense sea flavor and additional texture. Next, remove the cooked chicken and arrange it over the rice, making it the highlight of this teriyaki chicken and rice dish. The pan-fried chicken is already crispy and golden on the outside while remaining tender and juicy on the inside. Pairing it with the rice will create an exquisite flavor experience. Finally, appreciate the perfect combination of chicken and rice and garnish with freshly chopped green onions. The aromatic scent and vibrant color of the green onions add a touch of vitality and visual appeal to this dish. Now, you can enjoy this tantalizing teriyaki chicken and rice! Each bite allows you to experience the softness of the rice, the savory seaweed flavor, the crispiness of the fried chicken, and the refreshing taste of the green onions. This dish will release a rich flavor in your mouth, providing you with a delicious satisfaction.


1.Marinating Time: The marinating time for the chicken should be moderate. It should not be too long, as this can make the chicken overly salty or tough. Similarly, it should not be too short, as the flavors won’t have enough time to penetrate the meat. Generally, marinating for around 5 minutes is sufficient.

2.Thickening the Sauce: In the sauce mixture containing white wine, sweet rice wine, and white sugar, you can slightly increase the heat to quickly thicken the sauce. This will allow it to coat the chicken better and enhance the texture and flavor.

3.Frying Pan Temperature: When pan-frying the chicken, it’s important to maintain a moderate temperature. If the oil is too hot, it can easily burn the outer layer of the chicken. On the other hand, if the temperature is too low, the chicken may absorb too much oil. It is recommended to use medium-low heat to ensure that the chicken is evenly heated and achieves a golden crispy texture.

Teriyaki chicken rice, a food that captivates the imagination. When you smell the rich aroma of teriyaki sauce blending with the chicken, your mouth can’t help but water. The chicken, just flipped out of the pan, is golden and tempting, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Placing them on top of the rice, it’s like a delicious sculpture from a fairyland. Each piece of chicken carries traces of charcoal grilling, releasing an enticing fragrance. The rice, soft and fragrant, becomes the foundation of this dish. It absorbs the teriyaki sauce left by the chicken, making every grain flavorful. The delicate teriyaki sauce permeates every groove of the chicken, and every bite is a happy enjoyment. It brings a perfect balance of sweetness, slight saltiness, and mild acidity, making the taste even richer. The sweetness of the sauce blends with the tenderness of the chicken, creating an intoxicating experience.


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