Home-style Scallion Pancake Recipe

Published Categorized as Staple food

The Scallion Pancake has a crispy and fragrant texture that is delightful. The pairing of scallions and oil adds richness to the pancake. With each bite, the crispy crust and the abundant aroma of scallions mingle in the mouth. That sensation makes me forget all my troubles, leaving only the pleasure of savoring this exquisite delicacy.

Ingredients for Scallion Pancake

Flour 320g
Salt 3g
Edible oil 10g
Salt and pepper powder 3g
Chopped green onion 15g


1.First, prepare a large bowl and add 300 grams of flour and 3 grams of salt. Prepare a suitable amount of warm water and gradually pour it into the bowl while stirring, until the flour forms into lumps. Add 5 grams of cooking oil to make the dough more crispy. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth. Coat the surface of the dough and the bottom of the bowl with a layer of cooking oil. Add cooking oil to prevent the dough from sticking to your hands and forming a skin. Cover the dough with the bowl and let it rest for ten minutes. Resting the dough makes it softer and more elastic.

2.While waiting for the dough to rest, prepare the oil paste. Add 20 grams of flour and 3 grams of salt to a pan. Heat some oil in the pan, and when it’s hot, pour the hot oil onto the flour and stir to form a sticky oil paste. Then, prepare some scallions and cut them into rings for later use.

3.After ten minutes, the dough is ready. Brush a layer of cooking oil evenly on the chopping board. This will prevent the dough from sticking to the board. Take out the dough and divide it into equal-sized portions. Stretch each portion into a thin sheet. Do not knead the dough too much as it may become tough and lose its elasticity. Spread some oil paste onto the sheet according to personal taste. Sprinkle a sufficient amount of scallions onto the sheet. Fold the sheet backward, folding it in half from left to right, while stretching and folding it at the same time. This folding technique creates distinct layers and adds crispiness to the pancake. Repeat this process for the remaining portions of dough.

4.Preheat an electric pancake pan and brush it with cooking oil. Place the folded scallion and dough portions onto the pan and flatten them into thin and even pancakes. Cook one side for about 30 seconds until it sets, then flip it over and cook the other side. Keep flipping and cooking on low heat for about three minutes. Once both sides of the pancake turn slightly golden, press the edges against the pan to cook them until they also become golden. After the edges are cooked, press the pancake against the pan again and cook for another minute until both sides become golden and crispy. Repeat this process for the remaining portions of dough.

5.Take out one pancake and break it open. Give it a gentle squeeze, and the thin pancake skin will turn into crumbs, releasing a fragrant aroma from the scallions inside. Place the finished pancakes on a plate and they are ready to be served. This simple and homely scallion pancake is now complete.


1.Choose high-gluten flour to make the dough, which will make the scallion pancake more chewy. Gradually add warm water while kneading the dough until it becomes soft and elastic. Let the dough rest for a while to facilitate the formation of gluten.
2.You can mix the dipping sauce according to your personal taste preferences, such as soy sauce, vinegar, and chili oil, to enhance the flavor of the scallion pancake.

Scallion pancake is not just a delicious food, but also a continuation of emotions. Whenever I leave my hometown and taste scallion pancakes in other places, I always feel the warmth of home. No matter where I am, scallion pancake is my longing and memory for my hometown.

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