Home-style ribs hot pot

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Sichuan cuisine

Home-style ribs hot pot“家常排骨小火锅“(Jiācháng páigǔ xiǎo huǒguō ).

Winter is coming, and snowflakes are fluttering outside the window. The family gathers around the dining table, enjoying a steaming pot of home-style pork rib hot pot. This is undoubtedly the simplest form of happiness. This dish not only warms the body but also warms the heart, making people feel the warmth and care of home. Home-style pork rib hot pot is a comforting delicacy. When you see that steaming hot pot filled with fragrant ribs and various fresh vegetables floating inside, you can’t help but feel the warmth and nurturing of home.

Comprehensive rating:

5 min 20 min 15 Warm stomach 、 dispel cold Moderate

Ingredients for home-style ribs hot pot:

Pork ribs 500g
Silk noodles 100g
Lettuce 80g
Spinach 100g
Tomato 15ml
Garlic sprout 50g
Scallion 20g
Salt 3g
Green onion 30g
Ginger 10g
Garlic 5g
Chili paste 200g
Dried chilli 50g
Sichuan Pepper 20g
Pepper powder 1g
Light soy sauce 5ml

1.First, take 500 grams of pork ribs and separate them into small pieces by cutting along the gaps. Then, chop these small pieces of pork ribs to ensure they are evenly sized. The purpose of chopping is to make the ribs more tender and to ensure even cooking. This method allows the pork ribs to release their tenderness and texture during the cooking process.

2.Place the cut ribs in a large bowl and add 3 grams of salt. Then, pour enough water into the bowl to completely submerge the ribs, but avoid using too much water. Let the ribs soak in the water for about 10 minutes. This step helps remove some blood and gamey flavors from the ribs while enhancing their tenderness. After soaking, the ribs are ready for the next cooking step.

3.To prepare the side ingredients, start by preparing the vermicelli. Soak an appropriate amount of dried vermicelli in a bowl of water until softened, then remove and set aside. Next, wash the lettuce, spinach, and tomatoes, and cut them into suitable slices. Prepare the garlic shoots, spring onions, ginger, and garlic by slicing them thinly. These side ingredients will add different textures and flavors to the ribs hot pot. The soft texture of the vermicelli combined with the crispiness of vegetables like lettuce and spinach complements the meat and pickled vegetables. Sliced garlic shoots, spring onions, ginger, and garlic will add fragrance and seasoning to the broth.

4.Before heating the pot, make sure to choose an edible oil suitable for high-temperature frying, such as peanut oil or rapeseed oil. Then, adjust the heat to medium-low and wait for the oil temperature to reach around 150 degrees Celsius. Once the oil reaches the appropriate temperature, slowly add the previously drained ribs to the frying pan. Fry the ribs carefully until they become crispy and golden brown, which will take about 5 minutes. After frying, use a sieve or spatula to remove the ribs from the oil and drain off excess oil. Set them aside for the next cooking step.

5.Leave a small amount of oil in the pan and add dried chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns. Stir-fry them until they release their aroma. This will add a spicy fragrance as the base for the seasoning. Then, add the thinly sliced ingredients (garlic shoots, spring onions, ginger, and garlic) to the pan and continue stir-frying until they become fragrant and tender. Next, add some chili sauce according to personal taste preferences. Stir-fry everything together, ensuring the sauce mixes well with the ingredients. This step will give the ribs hot pot a rich spicy flavor and aroma, making it more distinctive.

6.In the seasoned mixture, slowly pour in a suitable amount of water along the edge of the pan. This helps control the thickness of the broth and ensures even distribution of the seasoning. Then, add 1 gram of salt, 1 gram of black pepper, and 10 grams of light soy sauce. Stir everything well with a spoon or chopsticks, allowing the seasonings to fully blend into the broth. These seasonings will provide a moderate salty and mildly spicy flavor to the braised pork with pickled vegetables and enhance the overall taste. Once the seasoning is complete, you can proceed to the next cooking step.

7.Pour the fried ribs into the pan and cover it with a lid. Set the heat to medium and let it simmer until boiling. Keep the broth at a medium boil for another 10 minutes, allowing the ribs to fully absorb the flavors of the broth. This step enriches the broth and ensures the tenderness of the ribs. After simmering for 10 minutes, transfer the cooked ribs to a clay pot or soup bowl.


1.Choose suitable pork ribs for stewing: Select pork ribs with a good balance of meat and bone, ensuring they have a certain amount of meat to produce more flavorful broth and tender meat.

2.Slow simmering on low heat: It is best to use low heat for stewing the family-style pork rib hot pot. This helps maintain the richness and thickness of the broth. Slow simmering allows the pork ribs to release their delicious aroma, making the meat tender and the broth flavorful.

Enjoy the pork rib hot pot: Gather your loved ones around the table and savor the flavors and warmth of the family-style pork rib hot pot. Let it become a part of your life, connecting you with the happiness and satisfaction that comes from sharing a meal with family.

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