Home-style Crispy Roast Duck

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Crispy Roast Duck“脆皮烤鸭”(cuì pí kǎo yā).
Under a gentle soft lighting, the crispy roast duck presents itself with its unique charm. The golden skin emits an enticing aroma, as if nature has prepared a stunning landscape for us. As it is placed on the table, the thin layer of crispy skin glimmers like embedded gems, capturing everyone’s attention. With a gentle poke of a fork, a crisp sound resonates, inviting the taste buds to indulge. With the tilt of a knife, the crispy skin cracks open, revealing the tender and juicy duck meat inside. Each slice of duck meat is bathed in our homemade secret seasoning, succulent and infused with the rich flavors of roasting, making mouths water uncontrollably.

Comprehensive rating:

1440 min 60 min 14 Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, fatty but not greasy. Difficult

Ingredients for Crispy Roast Duck:

Duck 1000g
Green onion 10g
Ginger 15g
Garlic 20g
Fragrant leaves 5g
Star anise 5g
Suger 4g
Thirteen-spices 3g
Salt 6g
Five spice powder 3g
Soy sauce 15g
Soybean paste 8g
Fermented bean curd 3g
Chinese liquor 10g
White vinegar 5g
Maltose 3g


1.Prepare a fresh duck and place it on a cutting board. Carefully open the abdominal cavity by using a kitchen knife. Cut along the belly of the duck, removing the innards. Be cautious not to damage the skin or any remaining internal organs. Place the duck in clean water and gently wash both the inside and outside. Use your fingers to check for any residual innards or impurities and thoroughly rinse them off. This ensures that the duck is clean and hygienic. Trim the neck of the duck neatly. You can choose to keep the neck or remove it based on personal preference. Fold the wings of the duck to the sides of the body. This helps maintain the shape of the duck and promotes even roasting.

2.Prepare a clean empty bowl and pour an appropriate amount of white sugar into it. Add thirteen-spice seasoning. Thirteen-spice is a composite seasoning made up of various spices and herbs. Add salt. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt into the bowl based on your desired level of saltiness. Add five-spice powder. Five-spice powder is a seasoning made from a mixture of various spices that adds a unique aroma and flavor to dishes. Add soy sauce. Soy sauce is a commonly used seasoning in Chinese cuisine. Pour in yellow bean paste. Yellow bean paste is a fermented bean sauce with a rich salty taste and distinctive flavor. Add fermented tofu. Fermented tofu is a soy-based product made from fermented tofu that has a strong aroma and flavor. Use a spoon or chopsticks to thoroughly mix all the seasonings until they form a homogeneous mixture. Ensure that all the seasonings are fully blended to create a unified seasoning sauce.

3.Prepare an appropriate amount of scallions, ginger, and garlic. You can cut the scallions into sections, slice the ginger, and peel and thinly slice the garlic. Slowly pour the pre-prepared seasoning sauce into the duck’s abdominal cavity. You can use a spoon or funnel to conveniently pour the seasoning sauce into the duck. Ensure that the seasoning is evenly distributed throughout the entire cavity. Use your hands to evenly coat the seasoning, allowing it to adhere to the inner surface of the duck’s abdominal cavity. Make sure every part is thoroughly covered to ensure the duck meat absorbs the flavors fully. Pour white wine into the duck’s cavity for removing any undesirable odors and enhancing the aroma. Use toothpicks to seal the duck’s cavity to prevent the seasoning from spilling out.

4.Make a small incision on the duck’s skin: Use a kitchen knife or a sharp blade to lightly cut a small incision on the duck’s belly or chest. Make sure not to cut into the meat, only the skin is incised. Use a straw to blow air: Insert a straw into the small incision and blow air forcefully. This will separate the duck’s skin from the meat, resulting in a crispier skin after roasting. Pour some boiling water onto the duck’s skin: Hot water can tighten the skin and help achieve crispy skin. Place the prepared duck in a well-ventilated area and let it air dry naturally for about 24 hours. The drying time can be adjusted based on weather conditions and humidity to ensure the duck’s skin becomes dry and firm.

5.Ensure that the air-dried duck has become dry, with no excess moisture on the surface. Using a brush or spoon, evenly coat the prepared mixture of white vinegar and maltose onto the duck’s skin. Ensure that every part is evenly covered. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius and place the duck, coated with white vinegar and maltose, into the preheated oven. Make sure the duck is placed on a rack for even heating. Roast the duck at 170 degrees Celsius for 50 minutes in the preheated oven. During the roasting process, you can periodically check the progress of the duck. Ensure that the duck’s skin turns golden brown and becomes crispy. Remove the perfectly roasted crispy-skinned duck from the oven and cut it into appropriate pieces or slices before plating and serving.


  1. When purchasing a duck, touch its flesh to ensure it is elastic and bouncy. Avoid selecting ducks with soft or sticky skin, as this may indicate spoilage.
  2. Monitor the roasting time: While 50 minutes is set as the roasting time, keep in mind that actual timing may vary depending on the size of the duck and oven characteristics. Regularly check the progress of the duck’s roasting to ensure the skin achieves the desired color and crispness.

Enjoying crispy roasted duck is a feast for the eyes, nose, and taste buds. As we lift our utensils and savor each bite of duck meat, we not only taste its deliciousness but also appreciate the wonders of culinary art. This dish takes us back to the past, allowing us to experience the fusion of tradition and modernity in unique flavors. Crispy roasted duck represents not only the taste of gastronomy but also embodies a passion for life and pursuit of excellence. In this world, there are always temptations we cannot resist, and crispy roasted duck is one of them. Each time we indulge in it, we feel happiness and satisfaction, embarking on a gastronomic journey that leaves indelible memories.

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