Home-style braised chicken drumsticks

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Braised chicken drumsticks are a delightful combination of taste, nutrition, and strength. Its unique texture and aroma make it unforgettable. With a light grab of the chopsticks, the chicken leg meat is firm and juicy, melting in the mouth. While chewing, the tender chicken emits a rich braised aroma, stimulating the taste buds’ imagination. On the next gathering, consider making braised chicken drumsticks by hand, allowing family and friends to experience the pleasure brought by this dish.

Ingredients for braised chicken drumsticks

Chicken drumstick 500g
Green onion 8g
Ginger 5g
Coriander root two
Fragrant leaves 4 tablets
Cinnamon bark 2g
Star anise 3g
Sichuan Pepper 3g
Dried chilli 5g
Rock sugar 5g
Amomum tsao-ko 3g
Angelica dahurica 4g
Cooking wine 15g
Honey 5g
Sugar 6g
Pepper powder 1g
Light soy sauce 2g
Edible oil 200g


1.First, prepare 500g of chicken thighs and place them in a bowl. Cut the chicken thighs into appropriate sizes. Slice one section of the white part of a large scallion into horseshoe shapes, slice a small piece of ginger, and set aside 2 cilantro roots.

2.In another small bowl, combine 4 bay leaves, 2g cinnamon, 3g star anise, 3g Sichuan peppercorns, 5g dried chili peppers, 5g rock sugar, 3g Euodia fruit, and 4g Angelica dahurica.

3.Next, blanch the chicken thighs. Heat water in a pot and add the chicken thighs. Add 5g of cooking wine. Once the water boils, you will see some foam on the surface, which is the impurities and blood from the chicken dissolving in the water. Remove the foam from the pot. Take out the chicken thighs and soak them in cold water for 2 minutes.

4.Now, prepare the honey mixture. Pour 5g of honey into the bowl, then add a small amount of clear water (approximately 20g). Stir the honey and water together using chopsticks or a whisk until well blended. After stirring, coat the blanched chicken thighs with the honey mixture one by one, gently rolling them to ensure each thigh is coated.

5.Heat an appropriate amount of cooking oil in a frying pan or skillet over medium heat. When the oil reaches about 50% hot (you can feel noticeable heat above the pan with your hand), carefully place the honey-coated chicken thighs into the pan one by one. Use a slotted spoon or similar tool to gently move the thighs around to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan. Maintain medium-low heat during frying and occasionally flip the chicken thighs to ensure even heating and browning on all sides. Once the chicken thighs turn golden brown, remove them from the oil and place them on a plate for later use.

6.Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and pour in the prepared spices. Add 10g of cooking wine, 6g of white sugar, 1g of ground black pepper, and 5g of light soy sauce. Then place the fried chicken thighs into the pot, cover with a lid, and simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes (adjust the time accordingly based on the size and quantity of chicken thighs). There is no need to add extra water or flip the thighs during this process.

7.When the time reaches 30 minutes, you can open the lid and check the condition of the chicken thighs. If they have become tender and the sauce has thickened, it means they are done. Transfer the chicken thighs to a serving dish, drizzle with the sauce, and they are ready to be enjoyed.


1.Cilantro roots not only play a role in enhancing fragrance and eliminating gaminess but also have digestive and appetite-stimulating effects.
2.Soaking the chicken thighs in cold water after removing them aims to tighten the meat texture. This stimulates a more robust mouthfeel and helps prevent the dispersion of flavors.

Braised chicken drumsticks are a comforting delicacy that combines the chef’s dedication with the essence of ingredients, bringing happiness to people’s taste buds. Every bite is like a journey of flavors, taking us into the world of culinary delights and allowing us to experience the satisfaction and pleasure that food brings.


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