Home cooking with pleurotus eryngii

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Cold pleurotus eryngii is a refreshing and delicious summer dish with a tender and crispy texture. Its unique taste and abundant nutritional value make it an ideal choice for a healthy diet. By using simple cooking techniques, the king oyster mushroom becomes even more flavorful when paired with fresh seasonings and vegetables, whetting your appetite. This dish is not only nutritious but also low in calories and fat, making it perfect for those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In the hot summer days, indulge your taste buds with a refreshing and tasty cold pleurotus eryngii dish and let them fully enjoy the unique charm of this delightful cuisine.

Ingredients for cold pleurotus eryngii

Pleurotus eryngii two
Scallion 5g
Star anise 1g
Minced garlic 6g
Sesame oil 5g
Onion 5g
Salt 4g
Olive oil 4g
Small chili pepper 3g
Light soy sauce 4g
Soy sauce 3g
Sugar 3g
Mature vinegar 7g


1.Before starting to make the cold pleurotus eryngiis, first wash the mushrooms thoroughly. After washing, use a peeler to slice the king oyster mushrooms along their natural grain. This helps maintain the texture and nutritional value of the mushrooms while also making them more visually appealing. When slicing the mushrooms, be careful to avoid injuring your hands or the mushroom slices with the peeler. If you want a more intricate presentation, you can create some knife marks on the mushroom slices to add texture. Next, place the sliced king oyster mushrooms in a bowl and set aside. Do not blanch them at this stage to retain their freshness and nutrients.

2.Once the ingredients are prepared, add some cooking oil to a pan and heat it up. Add a star anise to the pan and then add the sliced king oyster mushrooms. Do not add any water. Stir-fry the mushrooms over high heat, continuously tossing them to prevent sticking or burning. As the temperature rises, the mushrooms will start to release their moisture. Continue stir-frying until the liquid becomes thick and the mushrooms become tender. Then, transfer the mushrooms to a serving dish.

3.Next, prepare a seasoning sauce. In a bowl, add some minced garlic, sesame oil, and chopped green onions. Add some sliced onions to enhance the texture and layers of flavors. Then, add some salt, olive oil, small chili pepper, soy sauce, and dark soy sauce. Mix everything together until well combined. This sauce is flavorful and adds richness to the king oyster mushrooms.

4.Pour the prepared sauce over the cold pleurotus eryngiis and mix well, allowing each slice of mushroom to absorb the flavors of the sauce. Gently toss to avoid breaking the shape of the mushrooms. The pleurotus eryngiis will have a more enhanced taste and texture due to the sauce. If you prefer a sweet and sour taste, you can add some sugar and mature vinegar to the sauce. Enjoy the refreshing and delicious cold pleurotus eryngiis.


1.Choose fresh king oyster mushrooms with thick and tender flesh.
2.When blanching the king oyster mushrooms, adding some white sugar can help remove any earthy or unpleasant flavors and enhance the texture.
3.When plating, garnish with some chopped green onions or cilantro to make the dish more visually appealing.

pleurotus eryngiis is a dish that is visually appealing and has a delightful aroma and taste. The texture of the mushrooms is tender and juicy, offering a refreshing and delicious flavor. King oyster mushrooms have a meaty and succulent texture, which becomes even more tender after cooking. With the addition of a moderate amount of chili peppers, vinegar, and sesame oil, this dish becomes even more flavorful and rich in texture. Not only is this dish delicious, but it also boasts high nutritional value, making it suitable for people of all ages to enjoy.


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