Here is the recipe for “Braised Shrimp in Pot”

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Northeastern cuisine

When a steaming hot pot of braised shrimp is served on the table, the plump shrimp, golden broth, and vibrant green onions create a beautiful scene. The enticing aroma is enough to make one’s mouth water. When tasting this dish, gently pick up a shrimp with chopsticks to savor its delicate texture and rich shrimp flavor. Then, spoon some broth to experience its delicious taste. This dish is not only delicious but also nutritionally rich. Shrimp contains a lot of protein and trace elements, which provide excellent nourishment for the body. The other ingredients are also rich in various nutrients, providing enough energy and nutrition for the body.

Ingredients for Braised Shrimp in Pot

Freshwater shrimp 500g
Salt 6g
Cooking wine 8g
Bean Sprouts 100g
Cucumber one
Ginger 5g
Green onion 5g
Garlic 10g
Hot pot seasoning 10g
Bean paste 5g
Sichuan Pepper 6g
Dried chilli 7g
Light soy sauce 5g
Dark soy sauce 3g
Pepper powder 3g
Sugar 3g
Starch 4g
Coriander 5g


1.First, prepare the ingredients. Carefully trim the fresh freshwater shrimp, removing the sharp parts and legs, and devein them by picking out the digestive tract on the back. This is done to remove any fishy smell and ensure the purity of the shrimp meat. To enhance the flavor of the shrimp, make a shallow cut on the back of each shrimp so that the seasonings and broth can penetrate better, adding to the texture and taste. Rinse the shrimp with clean water, drain, and marinate with salt and cooking wine, mixing well. Let it marinate for five minutes.

2.Wash a handful of bean sprouts, slice a cucumber in half lengthwise, and then cut it into sections. You can also use lettuce or celery. Dice a spring onion, mince some ginger, and cut a few garlic cloves into larger pieces. Set aside. Take a few more garlic cloves, crush them, and finely chop them. These will be used at the end. Cut a piece of the hot pot seasoning  into small pieces. Finely chop a spoonful of doubanjiang  bean paste. Using a hot pot seasoning is the easiest way to make the dish at home.

3.To give the shrimp a crispy texture, we decide to fry them. Heat oil in a pan and drain any excess liquid from the marinated shrimp. When the oil is slightly smoking, quickly add the shrimp and fry for 30 seconds. When the shrimp turns golden brown, quickly remove them from the oil and drain excess oil. The shells will separate from the shrimp meat after frying.

4.With the ingredients ready, it’s time to start cooking. Heat oil in a wok and add Sichuan peppercorns, dried chili peppers, and the diced spring onion, ginger, and garlic. Stir-fry until fragrant. Add the doubanjiang and hot pot base sauce to the wok and continue to stir-fry. After a while, when the oil turns red, add water, light soy sauce for flavor, a few drops of dark soy sauce for color, cooking wine, and a small amount of salt, pepper powder, and sugar. Bring it to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for five minutes. This allows the flavors of the seasonings to infuse into the broth. After smelling the aroma, remove the leftover seasoning residue from the pot for a better dining experience. Add the bean sprouts and cucumber sections to the broth, increase the heat to high, and cook for two minutes to enhance the flavor.

5.Remove the bean sprouts and cucumber sections from the broth and arrange them flat in a serving bowl. Add the fried shrimp to the wok, sprinkle with a little salt, and thicken with a mixture of water and cornstarch. Cook over medium heat for two minutes until the sauce thickens slightly. Pour the sauce and shrimp into the prepared serving bowl. Arrange the large shrimp neatly and sprinkle with white sesame seeds and minced garlic.

6.For the final touch, drain the soaked dried chili peppers. Frying them after soaking prevents them from turning into a paste and enhances the flavor. Heat oil in a pan and add the soaked dried chili peppers. Fry until fragrant, then pour the hot oil over the minced garlic. Finally, sprinkle with chopped coriander. This delicious braised shrimp dish is now ready.


1.When buying shrimp, choose ones that are lively and jumping. This indicates that the shrimp is fresh and the meat will be more tender. Make sure there are no strange odors or signs of spoilage.
2.Braising shrimp requires slow cooking over low heat. Generally, simmering for 15-20 minutes is recommended. This allows the shrimp to fully absorb the flavors of the seasonings while maintaining a tender texture.
3.Choosing the right cooking vessel is also crucial for making braised shrimp. Using a sealed pot such as a clay pot or ceramic pot can better retain the temperature and texture of the shrimp.

Braised shrimp is a must-try delicacy. With its unique cooking method and delicious taste, it allows people to experience the rich and profound traditional Chinese culinary culture. Whether it’s a family gathering or a dinner with friends, this dish is always a great choice. I hope everyone has the opportunity to taste this exquisite culinary delight.


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