Green beans

Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Green beans 四季豆 ( sì jì dòu )
Classification: Papilionoideae, Phaseolinae, Phaseolus
Calories: 34kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Increase appetite、Control blood sugar、 Benefit qi and strengthen the spleen
Not Suitable for: Person with abdominal distension
Introduction: Green beans come in various shapes, including wide or narrow flat strips, long or short rounded sticks, or an intermediate type.The pods can grow straight or be slightly curved.They are 10-20 centimeters long, either straight or slightly curved, with a round or oblate cross-section.The skin is covered with fine hairs.The tender pods display varying shades of green, yellow, purple, or red (sometimes with speckles), while mature pods turn yellowish-white to yellow-brown.Green beans are beneficial for the heart because they contain soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels. They are also rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which contribute to preventing cholesterol formation.Furthermore, green beans are an important source of potassium and magnesium, essential trace elements that help stabilize blood pressure and reduce the burden on the heart.They also promote strong bones. Although green beans do not have high calcium content, they contain significant amounts of vitamin K. Research has shown that vitamin K can increase bone density in osteoporosis patients and reduce the risk of fractures.Despite the name “beans,” green beans are actually consumed as pods.They have a crispy texture when chewed and leave a unique fragrance in the mouth.Green beans can be harvested throughout the year, hence the name “four-season beans.” However, for the sweetest and most succulent taste, they are typically harvested from June to August during early summer.

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