
Published Categorized as Vegetables


Aliases: Ginger Root, Bai La Yun
Category: Zingiberaceae, Zingiber genus
Caloric Content: 41kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Dispels exterior and disperses cold, warms the middle and stops vomiting, warms the lungs and alleviates cough, detoxifies.
Not Suitable for: Those with Yin deficiency and excessive internal heat, qi stagnation and damp-heat constitution, Yin deficiency and internal heat constitution.
Introduction: Ginger is a plant that bears yellow-green flowers and has rhizomes with a stimulating and aromatic fragrance. It grows to a height of 0.5 to 1 meter. The rhizomes are thick, branched, and possess both fragrance and pungent taste. The leaves are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate in shape, hairless and stalkless, with membranous leaf sheaths. The inflorescence has a long peduncle, extending up to 25 centimeters, forming a spike-like cluster of spherical capsules. The bracts are ovate, pale green, or with a light yellow edge and a small tip at the apex. The calyx tube is approximately 1 centimeter long, and the corolla is yellow-green with lanceolate lobes. The central lobe of the lip is oblong-ovate in shape.

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