
Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Gherkin 乳瓜 ( rǔ guā )
Classification: Carica papaya
Calories: 32kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Accelerate metabolism、Beauty and nourishing、Brain and soothing
Not Suitable for: Hypertension
Introduction: The nutritional composition of gherkin mainly includes amino acids in the form of nitrogen, reducing sugars, various amino acids, and minerals.Gherkin is rich in proteins and potassium.Potassium plays a role in accelerating blood metabolism and excreting excess salt from the body.Consumption of cantaloupe by infants can promote the growth and development of muscle tissue, while in adults, it helps maintain muscle elasticity, prevent arteriosclerosis, and has benefits for speeding up metabolism.Gherkin has beauty-enhancing properties.Regular consumption or application on the skin can effectively combat skin aging, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and prevent cheilitis and angular stomatitis.The high content of gelatinous substances in gherkin promotes metabolism and contributes to beauty and skincare.It also has benefits for removing blemishes and spots.Gherkins have a deep green color, smooth fruit surface, and black spines. They have a crispy, delicate, and tender texture, making them suitable for raw consumption.They are also suitable for pickling and processing.Many people enjoy the crisp and tender texture of gherkin, as they have a refreshing taste and can be eaten alone or used as a condiment.When selecting cgherkins, look for fruits with a straight and crisp green body, and uniform thickness.The fruit should be straight and vibrant green in appearance.

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