Fried Hairtail: Golden and Crispy, Delicious and Tasty

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

The golden and crispy crust encases the tender and smooth flesh, resembling a sparkling gem from the ocean. In the bubbling hot oil, the hairtail dances and rolls, gradually turning into a tantalizingly golden and crispy delight, filling the air with an enticing aroma. As the fried hairtail is lifted out and placed on a plate, its golden skin gleams under the lights, as if telling its own story. With a gentle touch of chopsticks, the outer layer produces a satisfying crackling sound, inviting you to savor this delicious oceanic gift.

Ingredients for Fried Hairtail:

Hairtail 600g
Green onion 10g
Ginger 10g
Salt 1g
Cooking wine 3g
Coriander root 5g
Cumin powder 3g
Chili powder 3g
Cornstarch 20g



1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. We need three hairtail fish. Use a knife to remove the fins, which will make the hairtail look neater. Then, make shallow cuts on both sides of the fish, about 1 centimeter deep. This helps the marinade penetrate better and flavor the fish from the inside. Next, cut the prepared hairtail into segments of approximately 7 centimeters in length and place them in a bowl. Pour in some clean water and gently scrape off any impurities on the surface of the fish to ensure cleanliness and hygiene. Once cleaned, set the hairtail aside. Now that the hairtail is prepared, we can move on to the next step of cooking.

2.Now let’s start marinating. Prepare a piece of ginger and flatten it with the back of a knife before cutting it into small pieces, which will help release its flavors and enhance the seasoning effect. Additionally, we’ll need a large spring onion, flattened and cut into small sections. Place the prepared ginger and spring onion in the same bowl as the hairtail, then add the appropriate amount of seasonings. Start by adding 1 gram of salt, which enhances the freshness of the ingredients. Next, add 1 gram of black pepper powder for a slight spicy kick and aroma. Finally, add 3 grams of cooking wine to remove any fishy odor and add a unique flavor. After pouring all the seasonings into the bowl, thoroughly mix them with the fish using your hands or chopsticks, ensuring the seasonings are evenly coated on the hairtail’s surface. Let the fish marinate for 10 minutes, allowing enough time for it to absorb the flavors and become even more delicious.

3.After marinating for 10 minutes, we need to pick out the marinated hairtail from the marinade. Next, we will coat the hairtail with a layer of cornstarch. Prepare a small bowl and pour in a spoonful of cornstarch. Cornstarch adds a thin and crispy coating to the surface of the hairtail, making it more fragrant and delicious after cooking. Gently place each marinated hairtail into the cornstarch, using your hands or utensils to evenly coat each piece with the starch. Make sure that every piece of hairtail is evenly coated with cornstarch for better results during cooking. Then, place the coated hairtail on a plate and set aside.


4.Before frying the hairtail, we need to prepare the oil in the pan. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pan and heat it over medium-low heat. Wait until the oil reaches about 50% heat, indicated by a slight smoke rising from the surface. To prevent the hairtail from sticking together, we can preheat and quickly shape them. Gently place the cornstarch-coated hairtail into the preheated oil, then gently shake the pan to ensure even shaping of the hairtail. This method ensures that each piece of hairtail remains separate and does not stick together. During frying, it’s important to control the oil temperature to avoid uneven cooking. Maintain a low heat to prevent overcooking or excessive browning of the hairtail. Depending on personal preference and desired texture, flip the hairtail once during frying to ensure even coloring on both sides. Typically, frying the hairtail takes about 2 minutes or until both sides turn golden. When the hairtail is golden brown, carefully remove it using a spatula or tongs and place it on kitchen paper towels to drain excess oil. This helps remove excess grease, making the hairtail healthier and more flavorful.


5.Although the hairtail is already cooked, it may not be crispy enough. To make it more fragrant and crispy, we need to do a second frying. This process will make the surface of the hairtail more golden and increase its crispiness. First, raise the oil temperature to about 60% heat. Wait for the oil temperature to reach the appropriate level, ensuring better results for the second frying. Once the oil reaches 60% heat, carefully add the previously fried hairtail into the pan. Be careful not to add too many pieces at once to avoid lowering the oil temperature or sticking together. The second frying usually takes about 30 seconds, allowing both sides of the hairtail to evenly brown. After the second frying, the hairtail’s surface will appear golden, crispy, and shiny. At this point, the hairtail will have an even crispier texture and become even more irresistible. Carefully remove the double-fried hairtail from the oil and place it on kitchen paper towels to remove excess oil. This will help maintain the delicious texture while making it healthier. With these steps, we have successfully achieved a second frying, making the hairtail crispy and delicious. Now, you can transfer the double-fried hairtail to a serving plate.

6.Carefully arrange the oil-controlled hairtail on a plate. The hairtail has become crispy and delicious due to oil control and is ready to be served. Next, sprinkle some cumin powder and chili powder on top. The unique fragrance of cumin and the spiciness of chili powder will add more flavor and seasoning to the hairtail. You can adjust the amount based on personal preference to make the hairtail more flavorful. Additionally, garnish the hairtail with some cilantro. The fresh aroma of cilantro adds a refreshing touch to the dish and enhances its visual appeal. You can sprinkle some cilantro around the hairtail or place it slightly on top, making the entire plate more colorful.


1.When selecting hairtail, choose ones with intact body shape, smooth scales, bright eyes, and a mild fishy smell. Fresh hairtail will have better texture after frying.

2.Remove the scales, guts, and gills from the hairtail, then rinse it thoroughly with clean water. Use the back of a knife to make a few shallow cuts on both sides of the fish, which helps with marinating and even frying.

3.When frying the fish in the oil pan, gently move it with chopsticks or a spatula to prevent sticking to the bottom. Fry one side until it turns golden and crispy, then flip it over to fry the other side.

The process of dry-frying hairtail is like a wonderful dance performance. First, clean and prepare the hairtail, make beautiful cuts on its body with a knife, and coat it with a thick layer of flour. As the oil temperature rises, the hairtail is gently placed into the pan, creating a vivid scene like an artwork. With the passionate frying in hot oil, the hairtail gradually turns golden and crispy, emitting a mouthwatering aroma. Finally, remove the hairtail from the pan, place it on a plate, sprinkle some cilantro and chili powder on top. The combination of colors and the intertwining of aromas make it irresistible and tempting to taste immediately.


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