Fermented bean curd

Published Categorized as Seasoning

Fermented bean curd
Calories: 240kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Seasoning, umami enhancement, appetizing and aid digestion, cholesterol reduction
Not suitable for: Individuals with hypertension, gout, kidney disease
Introduction: Fermented bean curd, also known as tofu cheese, is made using dried tofu as the main ingredient. Suitable varieties of mold are added, and the mixture is cultivated under specific conditions. Soon, a layer of white fuzz grows on top of the mixture, which might seem intimidating but poses no harm to human health. The role of these mold strains is to break down the protein in the tofu and generate amino acids and some B vitamins. After removing the fuzz, the tofu is then salted and preserved, becoming fermented bean curd. Fermented bean curd is a soy-based product that undergoes fermentation with specific molds, salt, and various spices. It contains abundant beneficial elements such as phosphorus and sulfur. Fermented bean curd is a secondary-processed soy product with high nutritional value. Moderate consumption of fermented bean curd can enhance appetite, promote gastrointestinal motility, and offer other health benefits.

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