Duck’s gizzard

Published Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck‘s gizzard 鸭胗 ( yā zhēn )
Calories: 99kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Induce digestion、Improve vision、 Supplment iron
Not Suitable for: Hyperlipidemia
Introduction: Duck‘s gizzard is equivalent to the stomach of a duck.It is firm and consists of two layers.The main components found in duck’s gizzards include gastrointestinal hormones, keratin, amino acids, etc.They have the ability to increase the secretion of gastric juice and improve digestion, thereby accelerating the emptying process of the stomach and intestines.Duck‘s gizzards are rich in iron, and consuming them can help replenish iron levels in the body.This can assist in improving symptoms such as mental fatigue, loss of appetite, picky eating, dizziness, and insomnia caused by iron deficiency.Duck‘s gizzards also contain vitamin A, which promotes the regeneration of visual purple and maintains normal vision function.They have a preventive effect on night blindness and visual impairment.Consuming animal offal, including duck’s gizzards, can also improve vision to some extent for individuals who overuse their eyes.When purchasing duck’s gizzards, fresh ones should have a smooth surface, uniform color, and no unusual smell or appearance.If the gizzards appear yellowish, blackened, or have an unpleasant odor, they may not be fresh and should be avoided.

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