Duck wings

Published Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck wings 鸭翅 ( yā chì )
Calories: 200kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Enhance appetite、Promote diuresis and reduce swelling、Clear heat and cool blood
Not Suitable for: Obesity、Arteriosclerosis
Introduction: Duck wings are a part of the duck located in the lower half of its body, connected to the duck breast.Duck wings contain rich nutrients such as proteins, fats, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and more, making them highly nutritious.Consuming duck wings in moderation can provide the necessary nutrients for maintaining overall health.Duck wings have a cool nature and a sweet taste.Their most prominent characteristic is their ability to clear heat and remove internal fire.Duck wings can help clear heat and cool the blood, making them suitable for individuals with Yin deficiency and internal heat.It is important to note that duck wings should not be consumed together with chestnuts as some substances in both may undergo a biochemical reaction that could potentially lead to poisoning.When purchasing duck wings, fresh ones should have a faint fishy smell.If an unusual or pungent odor is detected, it may indicate spoiled duck wings.

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