Duck liver

Published Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck liver 鸭肝( yā gān )
Calories: 128kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Nourish the blood and liver、Protect the eyes、Enhance immunity
Not Suitable for: Liver disease、Hypertension、Coronary heart disease、High cholesterol
Introduction: Duck liver is one of the organ meats from a duck and is rich in nutrients.Duck liver is abundant in vitamin A, which plays a role in protecting eyes, maintaining normal vision, preventing dryness and fatigue of the eyes, and improving night blindness.It can also help replenish the essential iron needed for hemoglobin production, making it effective in promoting blood health.Vitamin B2 in duck liver is important for supplementing coenzymes in the body and detoxifying certain harmful substances.Duck liver also contains vitamin C and trace element selenium, which are often lacking in regular meat sources.Consuming duck liver can help provide these nutrients, enhancing the body’s immune system.When selecting and purchasing duck liver, it is important to choose fresh ones without odor or abnormalities.

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