Duck leg

Published Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck leg 鸭腿 ( yā tuǐ )
Calories: 240kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Increase appetite、Nourish yin and stomach、Delay aging
Not Suitable for: Gastritis、Deficiency of qi and yin in spleen and stomach
Introduction: Duck leg refers to the thigh portion of a duck. Duck legs have a cool nature and a sweet taste.Their characteristic is being neither warm nor hot, but rather clearing heat and removing internal fire.The fat in duck leg meat has a low melting point, making it easily digestible by the human body.Duck legs contain higher amounts of B vitamins and vitamin E compared to other meats.They can effectively combat beriberi, neuritis, various inflammations, and also possess anti-aging properties.Duck legs are considered a food with skincare and beauty benefits, as they nourish Yin and promote beauty.Furthermore, duck legs contain a considerable amount of niacin, which is one of the important components of two coenzymes in the human body.It has a protective effect on patients with heart diseases such as myocardial infarction.Duck meat also contains various trace elements such as zinc, selenium, copper, which are essential for normal physiological functions and the immune system.When purchasing duck legs, fresh ones should have a smooth appearance, firm muscles, no mold spots or strange odors.The color should be pale pink, with less water content and good elasticity in the meat.

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