Dry Pot Agrocybe chaxingu: A Sichuan-Chongqing delicacy that awakens your taste buds.

Published Categorized as Hunan cuisine

Dry Pot Agrocybe chaxingu, this dish is like a feast on the tip of your tongue, waiting for your exploration. The unique aroma of Agrocybe chaxingu, combined with the spiciness of chili and spices, instantly arouses your appetite. When you pick up a piece of Agrocybe chaxingu with your chopsticks, the texture is so tender. With each bite, the mushroom’s flesh bursts in your mouth, accompanied by a rich umami flavor that leaves a lingering taste.

Ingredients for Dry Pot Agrocybe chaxingu:

Agrocybe chaxingu 200g
Streaky pork 100g
Garlic sprout 10g
Green pepper 10g
Red pepper 10g
Ginger 5g
Onion 50g
Green onion 15g
Dry pot sauce 20g



1.In preparing the ingredients, it is necessary to wash the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms, pork belly, garlic shoots, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, scallion whites, ginger, and onion. Cut the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms into appropriate sizes or leave them whole. Slice the pork belly into thin pieces for better stir-frying conditions. Cut the garlic shoots into small sections to add a crispy texture. Cut the green bell pepper into diagonal slices and the red bell pepper into wide strips to enhance the color and flavor of the dish. Slice the scallion whites into horse hoof-shaped pieces for easy cooking. Cut the ginger into diamond-shaped slices for fragrance and seasoning. Slice the onion into strips and place it at the bottom of the dry pot to enhance the aroma and taste of the dish. These preparations ensure a smooth cooking process for the Dry Pot Agrocybe chaxingu and allow the ingredients to evenly heat and blend together during stir-frying.

2.Put the washed Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms in a pot with an appropriate amount of water, then bring the water to a boil. Once the water is boiling, add the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms and blanch them for about 1 minute. Pour out the blanched Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms and rinse them with clean water. Control the moisture level to ensure the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms are adequately moist before using. This step helps remove any unwanted flavors from the mushrooms and keeps them crisp, preparing them for further cooking.

3.Heat the pan and pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil. Once the oil is hot, let it fully coat the bottom of the pan and quickly pour out the hot oil. Then, add a moderate amount of cool oil and heat the pan again. Add the sliced meat and stir-fry to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Stir-fry the meat until it releases some fat and becomes fragrant. Once the meat is nicely browned, add the blanched and drained Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms. Stir-fry for a few seconds to ensure even mixing between the mushrooms and meat. This technique of using cool oil to heat the pan helps prevent the meat from sticking and allows for better stir-frying of the mushrooms and meat, resulting in improved texture.

4.Now, add our special homemade dry pot sauce to the pan, about 20 grams. Heat it over medium heat until the sauce turns red and oil separates. Maintain medium heat and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, allowing the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms to absorb the flavor of the sauce. Next, add the sliced green bell pepper and red bell pepper to the pan and stir-fry evenly to combine the vegetables with the mushrooms and seasonings. Finally, add the chopped garlic shoots, increase the heat, and stir-fry quickly until the shoots are just cooked. Through these steps, the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms will absorb the delicious sauce, perfectly blending with the bell peppers and garlic shoots to create a flavorful dry pot dish. Control the cooking time properly to ensure that the ingredients are cooked through while maintaining their crispness.

5.Now that the Dry Pot Agrocybe chaxingu is ready, transfer it to a pot lined with onion strips to enhance the aroma and flavor of the dish. Now, you can serve this delicious Dry Pot Agrocybe chaxingu to your family and friends. This dish is visually appealing and has a delightful combination of flavors. The tender texture of the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms, rich seasonings, and the aroma of the onions intertwine to create a wonderful culinary experience that will surely satisfy your appetite.


1.Make sure to choose Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms with intact appearance and firm texture. Fresh Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms will taste even more delicious.

2.Stir-fry the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms until they release moisture before adding the seasonings. This ensures better integration of flavors into the mushrooms and prevents excessive moisture from affecting the texture.

Dry Pot Agrocybe chaxingu is like a symphony of the mountains on your taste buds. The unique aroma of the Agrocybe chaxingu mushrooms, combined with the spiciness of chili and fragrant spices, weaves together a wonderful melody. When you pick up a piece of Agrocybe chaxingu mushroom with your chopsticks and take a bite, the texture is like biting into the fresh air of the mountains — crisp and chewy. As you savor it slowly, you can taste the primal flavors of the forest, as if you can hear the murmuring stream in the valley and smell the fragrance of flowers and plants in the woods.

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