Dry-Fried Pig Lungs

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Sichuan cuisine

Dry-Fried Pig Lungs  干煸猪肺(gàn biān zhū fèi)

Dry-Fried Pig Lungs, a uniquely textured home-cooked dish. Its vibrant red appearance, crispy pig lungs, and delectable aroma make it truly mouthwatering. This dish not only offers a distinctive texture but also provides nutritional richness, containing protein, fat, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that benefit overall health. As you savor this dish, the smooth and tender texture, combined with the aromatic spiciness, unfolds in your mouth, allowing you to appreciate the effort put into its preparation and the allure of fine cuisine. This dish not only satisfies the palate but also brings the enjoyment of healthy, delicious food.

Comprehensive rating:

10 min 20 min 7 Salty 、Fragrant Easy

Ingredients for Dry-Fried Pig Lungs:

Pork Lung 500g
Celery 30g
Green onion 5g
Ginger 5g
Thirteen-spices 5g
White sesame seed 3g
Dried chilli 5g


1.Start by selecting a fresh piece of pig lung and rinse it thoroughly, removing any impurities. Place the pig lung flat on a cutting board and carefully observe the texture of the lung tissue. Generally, pig lungs have distinct patterns with a mesh-like structure composed of small, fine fibers. Begin cutting along the grain of the pig lung. Try to keep the knife as parallel as possible to the grain, making it easier to slice even pieces.

2.Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Place the sliced pig lung into the pot. Adding cold water initially helps remove any blood or unpleasant odors from the pig lung. Once the water comes to a boil again, reduce the heat to medium and let the pig lung cook in the hot water. Typically, cooking for about three minutes after boiling is sufficient. Use a sieve or slotted spoon to remove the cooked pig lung from the pot. Rinse it under running water to remove residual heat and any remaining impurities. Gently squeeze the pig lung to remove excess water, but be cautious not to overdo it and affect the texture.

3.Heat oil in a pan, and once it’s hot, add the cooked lung slices. Stir-fry the lung slices over low heat, ensuring even heating while maintaining their tender texture. Then, cover the pan and let the lung slices simmer for a while, allowing them to become even softer. This cooking method enhances the deliciousness of the lung slices and adds richness to the texture.

4.While simmering the pig lung slices, prepare some ingredients to enhance the taste and texture. Start by cutting celery into small segments and set them aside on a plate. The crisp texture and subtle aroma of celery will add a refreshing flavor to the pig lung slices. Next, slice spring onions and ginger into thin strips and place them on the same plate. The fragrance of green onions and the spicy kick of ginger will provide a more flavorful experience when combined with the pig lung slices. Additionally, prepare some dried chili and add them to the plate. The spiciness of the dried chili will add a hint of heat, elevating the overall dish with layers of flavor.

5.Add the sliced green onions and ginger to the pan and stir-fry them together with the pig lung slices until well combined. This allows the lung slices to absorb the flavors of the green onions and ginger, adding a fresh and aromatic taste to the dish. Next, add the sliced celery and continue stir-frying, ensuring it mixes thoroughly with the pig lung slices. The crisp texture of the celery adds a refreshing and tender element to the dish. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of thirteen-spice powder and white sesame evenly over the pig lung slices and ingredients. The complex blend of spices in the thirteen-spice powder adds layers of flavor to the dish, while the white sesame provides aroma and texture. Continue stirring to ensure that all the ingredients and seasonings are well mixed, coating the pig lung slices. This allows the lung slices to fully absorb the flavors and aromas of the ingredients, enhancing the overall taste and flavor of the dish.

6.Once the ingredients and pig lung slices are evenly stir-fried, the dish is ready. Transfer the cooked pig lung slices to a serving plate. Now, present the plated pig lung slices for everyone to enjoy.


1.Choose fresh and tender pig lungs. When purchasing, make sure to check for any unusual odor or damage on the surface of the lungs.

2.The key to stir-frying pig lung slices is controlling the heat. It is recommended to use medium-low heat to avoid high temperatures that may cause the lung slices to become tough or burnt. Stir-fry slowly, ensuring that each slice of pig lung is evenly heated and browned.

This dish transports you to a rustic countryside setting, where you can savor the smoothness of the pig lungs and the fragrance of the spices, leaving a lasting impression. As this dish is served, a rich aroma fills the air, allowing you to experience the essence of the countryside and the allure of the cuisine.

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