Dried Bamboo Shoots

Published Categorized as Root vegetable, Vegetables

Dried bamboo shoots 干笋 ( gān sǔn )
Classification: Family Poaceae
Calories: 275kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Appetite-stimulating and spleen-invigorating、Moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements、Beautifying and skincare
Not Suitable for: Nephritis、Gastric ulcer、Gastric bleeding、Liver cirrhosis
Introduction: Dried bamboo shoots are made from fresh spring bamboo shoots using traditional techniques such as peeling, root trimming, high-temperature steaming, water soaking, pressing, drying, shaping, and packaging, all done by hand.Due to the presence of various vitamins and dietary fiber, dried bamboo shoots have anticancer properties.They also aid digestion and are considered a good choice for weight loss in overweight individuals.bamboo shoots have a relatively low amino acid content.However, they contain essential amino acids for the human body, such as lysine, tryptophan, threonine, and phenylalanine, which promote protein synthesis in the body.They also contain glutamic acid, which plays an important role in protein metabolism, and cysteine, which helps maintain the structural integrity of proteins and ensures the activity of various proteases in the body.This enhances the body’s immune system and helps combat diseases.When purchasing dried bamboo shoots, you can determine their quality by checking if they are dry or moist.Dry bamboo shoots should break easily when bent with a crisp and resonant sound, indicating good quality.On the other hand, if they do not snap or bend without breaking, they may be damp and of lower quality.Also, inspect for mold or signs of insect damage within the broken part of the bamboo shoot; the presence of these indicates inferior quality.

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