Delicious Braised Chicken with Mushrooms

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Northeastern cuisine

Braised Chicken with Mushrooms小鸡炖蘑菇(xiǎo jī dùn mó gū)

Braised Chicken with Mushrooms is a classic dish with rich Northeastern Chinese flavors. Its vibrant and enticing appearance, combined with the unique aroma of arimillaria mushrooms and chicken, makes it truly irresistible. The chicken is tender and juicy, while the mushrooms have a delicate texture, and the broth is thick and flavorful, whetting one’s appetite. This dish has a history rooted in the northeastern region of China, where locals often use it to nourish their bodies during the cold winter months. After decades of inheritance and development, this dish gradually spread throughout the country, becoming a well-known and beloved classic cuisine.

Comprehensive rating:

20 min 50 min 12 Delicious and flavorful Moderate

Ingredients for Braised Chicken with Mushrooms:

Female chicken 1000g
Arimillaria mellea 60g
Starch noodles 60g
Chinese liquor 35g
Star anise 6g
Ginger 15g
Green onion 15g
Garlic 15g
Sugar 10g
Dark soy sauce 10g
Dried chilli 15g
Northeast soybean paste 15g

1.Start by thoroughly cleaning the purchased female chicken . Split the female chicken in half from the middle and cut it into small pieces. Be careful not to cut them too large or too small, keeping them at a moderate size. Place the cut chicken pieces in a clean bowl and pour in an appropriate amount of chinese liquor. The amount of chinese liquor should be enough to cover the chicken pieces, as it helps remove any unpleasant odor and adds flavor. Let the chicken marinate for about 20 minutes, then remove the chicken pieces and rinse them with clean water. You will notice that the chicken pieces become whiter and any impurities on the surface are washed away.
2.Heat oil in a wok or pan, and once hot, add spices such as star anise, ginger,green onion , garlic, dried chili, and others, stir-frying until fragrant. Next, pour the marinated chicken pieces into the pan, stir-frying over high heat while continuously tossing to avoid burning. When the chicken pieces are partially cooked, sprinkle some white sugar and continue stirring. The sugar will melt at high temperature, releasing the caramel aroma that blends with the flavors of various seasonings. Add some Northeastern soybean paste and continue stir-frying. The addition of soybean paste enhances the deliciousness of the chicken, creating a rich aroma. Afterwards, add the cleaned arimillaria mellea to the pan and begin adding hot water.
3.Once the soup has come to a full boil, quickly skim off the foam that floats on the surface of the pot. This foam is the main source of impurities and fishy odor in the broth. Skimming off the foam will make the broth clearer and the taste purer. Next, add half a spoonful of dark soy sauce and a small amount of sugar to the pot. The dark soy sauce adds more umami flavor to the chicken and arimillaria mellea, while the sugar subtly balances the saltiness of the broth, creating a slightly sweet overall taste. Then, switch to low heat and simmer gently, allowing the broth to slowly penetrate the chicken and arimillaria mellea, simmering for 45 minutes. During this time, the chicken will gradually become tender and juicy, and the arimillaria mellea will release their savory flavor, perfectly blending with the broth. After 45 minutes, add the starch noodles  to the pot, cover with a lid, and continue simmering for an additional 5 minutes.
4.After 5 minutes, with the completion of the final step, the Braised Chicken with Mushrooms is finally ready to be served. Pour it into a delicate plate and bring it to the table for enjoyment. Each piece of chicken in the plate exudes a tender yellow color, while the shiitake arimillaria mellea absorb the rich sauce, making it incredibly appetizing.

1.Choosing fresh chicken ensures the best texture and nutritional value. If using frozen chicken, it should be completely thawed to avoid undesirable texture during cooking. The chicken pieces should be evenly sized to ensure consistent doneness throughout the cooking process.
2.During the simmering process, it is important to control the heat. Excessive heat can result in overcooked chicken and mushy arimillaria mellea, while insufficient heat may leave the chicken undercooked and the arimillaria mellea lacking flavor. Therefore, adjusting the heat accordingly based on specific circumstances is necessary.

Braised Chicken with Mushrooms is a delicious dish made primarily with chicken and arimillaria mellea. It has a simple and hearty appearance, with golden-colored chicken and light brown arimillaria mellea immersed in a thick and fragrant broth. This dish boasts high nutritional value. Chicken is rich in protein and essential nutrients, which can enhance physical strength and improve immune function. arimillaria mellea contain various vitamins and minerals, promoting metabolism and boosting the body’s resistance. Additionally, this dish has benefits such as aiding digestion, stimulating appetite, nourishing the lungs, and enhancing skin health. Overall, it is a healthy and flavorful delicacy.

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