
Published Categorized as Chicken, Meat

Crumstick 琵琶腿(pí pá tuǐ )

Also known as: Chicken Leg

Calories: 146kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Nourishing and strengthening the body
Not Suitable for: Hyperlipidemia  obesity  diabetes
Introduction:Crumsticks are the parts of chicken legs between the chicken claws and thighs, roughly shaped like a lute, hence the name. The meat is quite tough, and when eaten with the skin, the fat content is relatively high. It is also the part of the whole chicken with the highest iron content, which can help the body to enrich blood and prevent iron deficiency anemia. Crumsticks have a high proportion of protein, a wide variety of types, and a high digestibility rate, making them easily absorbed and utilized by the body. They have the effect of strengthening physical strength and body fitness. Crumsticks contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which can help the body enhance immunity and improve resistance. Crumsticks can also help the body nourish the liver and kidneys, enrich qi and blood, and regulate the body. It has a certain regulatory effect on people with weak physical strength, malnutrition, anemia, etc.Crumsticks should be bright red or pink in color, with no obvious hairs or impurities on the surface. If the crumsticks are dull in color or have an odor, they are not fresh.

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