Crispy Fried Small Silver Fish: Easy Cooking, Healthy Enjoyment

Published Categorized as Jangsu cuisine

Crispy Fried Small Silver Fish, with their golden scales shimmering in the sunlight, resemble small, exquisite coins. They tumble and sizzle in hot oil, releasing an enticing aroma. The crispy outer layer gives way to tender and flavorful flesh, each bite carrying the gifts of the ocean and the warmth of the sun. Whether paired with beer or chosen as a side dish, Crispy Fried Small Silver Fish is an irresistible delicacy.

Ingredients for Crispy Fried Small Silver Fish:

Small silver fish 300g
Ginger 10g
Green onion 10g
Cooking wine 5g
Flour 30g
Starch 10g
Salt 2g
Custard powder 3g
Edible oil 5g
Salt and pepper powder 6g



1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. We will need 300 grams of small silver fish. Scrape off the scales and remove the innards of the small silver fish. Then, clean the small silver fish thoroughly and place them in a bowl for later use. It is important to ensure that the small silver fish are thoroughly cleaned. You can rinse them with running water, making sure there is no dirt or impurities on the surface of the fish. After cleaning the small silver fish, place them in a clean bowl for later use. This ensures the hygiene and safety of the ingredients. Remember to maintain personal hygiene, wash hands frequently, and ensure the cleanliness of the work surface and cooking utensils when handling ingredients. This helps prevent contamination of the ingredients and ensures food safety.

2.We also need to prepare a piece of ginger and cut it into thin strips. Additionally, take a section of the white part of a large spring onion and cut it into pieces resembling horseshoe shapes. Mix these ginger strips and spring onion slices with the previously prepared small silver fish. To enhance the texture and flavor of the small silver fish, we can add some seasonings. First, add 2 grams of salt to adjust the saltiness of the ingredients. Then, add 1 gram of pepper powder to add some spiciness. Finally, add 5 grams of cooking wine to remove any fishy smell and enhance the taste. Add these seasonings to the mixture of small silver fish, ginger strips, and spring onion slices, and then stir evenly with chopsticks or a spoon, ensuring that the seasonings are evenly coated on the ingredients. This will make the small silver fish more delicious and help remove some of the fishy smell.

3.Next, we need to prepare a large bowl or basin. First, put a handful of flour and a small handful of starch into the bowl. Then, gradually add an appropriate amount of water while stirring to form a batter. This will make the batter smoother. Next, add three grams of custard powder and a little more water, and stir evenly. The custard powder increases the thickness of the batter, allowing it to adhere better to the ingredients. To make the fried small fish more crispy, we also need to add five grams of cooking oil. The cooking oil will generate bubbles during frying, forming a crispy crust and adding layers of texture to the taste. Finally, continue stirring the batter in the same direction until it becomes slightly stretchy. This type of batter will evenly coat the small silver fish, making them more delicious after frying. Please note that when preparing the batter, you can adjust the proportions according to personal taste. If you prefer a thicker batter, you can increase the ratio of flour or starch. If you prefer a thinner outer layer, you can increase the amount of water.

4.After the batter is prepared, place the marinated small silver fish into the batter. Gently mix using your hands or a tool to evenly coat the small silver fish with the batter. Make sure that each small silver fish is fully coated with the batter so that the outer layer remains crispy and textured during frying. During the mixing process, you can gently press the batter to ensure better adhesion to the small silver fish. At the same time, be careful not to overmix, as it may damage the shape and texture of the small silver fish. After mixing, you can let the batter drain slightly to remove excess batter. This will prevent excessive batter from falling off during frying and affecting the frying result. Once the small silver fish are evenly coated with the batter, you can proceed to the next step of frying. Remember to use an appropriate amount of cooking oil, heat the oil to the suitable temperature, and then place the batter-coated small silver fish into the hot oil, frying until golden and crispy.

5.Further increase the oil temperature to 60% hot. This means that the oil is smoking and fully heated. You can judge whether the oil temperature has reached 60% hot by observing the size of the oil bubbles and the amount of smoke in the pan. Once the oil temperature reaches 60% hot, pour the small silverfish into the pan for a second round of frying. The frying time for the second round is usually around 30 seconds, which can be adjusted according to personal preference. The purpose of the second round of frying is to further enhance the crispiness and color of the small silverfish. During the second round of frying, you can use chopsticks or a spatula to flip the small silverfish, ensuring that they are evenly heated and avoiding over-frying. After the second round of frying, remove the small silverfish from the pan and drain excess oil using a colander or a wire mesh.

6.Further increase the oil temperature to 60% hot. This means that the oil is starting to smoke and has reached the desired temperature. You can determine if the oil has reached 60% hot by observing the size of the oil bubbles and the amount of smoke in the pan. Once the oil reaches 60% hot, pour the small silverfish into the pan for a second frying. The frying time for the second round is usually around 30 seconds, but it can be adjusted based on personal preference. The purpose of the second frying is to further enhance the crispiness and color of the small silverfish. During the second frying, you can use chopsticks or a spatula to flip the small silverfish, ensuring even heating and avoiding over-frying. After the second frying is complete, remove the small silverfish from the pan and drain excess oil using a colander or a wire mesh.

7.After completing the second frying of the small silverfish, we can arrange them neatly on a plate to better showcase their beauty and appetizing appearance. Firstly, choose a suitable-sized plate based on the quantity and size of the small silverfish. Ensure that the plate is clean and free from any residue. Take out the fried small silverfish one by one and gently arrange them neatly on the plate using chopsticks or a spatula. You can arrange them according to personal preference and creativity, such as in rows or in a circular shape. Once the small silverfish are arranged, evenly sprinkle them with salt and pepper powder. The salt and pepper powder can enhance the flavor of the small silverfish and add a touch of seasoning. Adjust the amount of salt and pepper powder according to personal taste, ensuring that each piece of small silverfish is evenly coated. Now, you can serve the beautifully arranged plate of small silverfish and enjoy. After being fried and sprinkled with salt and pepper powder, the small silverfish will have a crispier texture and a more delicious taste.



1.Choose fresh and plump small silverfish, and try to avoid selecting fish with any strange odor or signs of spoilage.

2.When frying small silverfish, it is important to control the oil temperature. Too high of a temperature can result in a burnt exterior and undercooked interior, while too low of a temperature can cause the small silverfish to absorb excessive oil, affecting the texture. The ideal oil temperature will ensure that the small silverfish are fried evenly and deliciously.

3.Due to their small size, the frying time for small silverfish is generally around 2-3 minutes. Frying them for too long can make them become tough and negatively impact the texture.

Under the sunlight, the small silverfish shimmer like silver elves, leaping and darting on the golden beach. Their petite bodies resemble slender willow leaves, swaying lightly in the breeze. Whenever the waves come crashing in, they joyfully frolic in the seawater, free and unrestricted. The taste of deep-fried small silverfish carries a unique flavor of the sea, intertwined with a hint of saltiness and a deep oceanic aroma. When you pick up a small silverfish and fry it in a sizzling hot pan of oil, it is a fusion of the sea and fire, a feast for both the taste buds and the senses.

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