Corn shoot

Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Corn shoot 玉米笋 ( yù mǐ sǔn )
Classification: Gramineae, Zea
Calories: 16kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Digestive and appetizing、Diuretic and decongestant、Beauty and skin care
Not Suitable for: High blood sugar、Frequent urination
Introduction: Corn shoots are a type of annual tall-stemmed crop.They refer to the small and tender cobs of sweet corn, with husks and silk removed and the cob stem cut off.Corn shoots are consumed when the grains have not yet swollen.Unlike sweet corn, which is eaten only for its tender grains, corn shoots are consumed with the cob and grains together.The botanical characteristics of corn shoots are not essentially different from regular corn. However, the plants are slightly shorter, have stronger tillering ability, more leaves, smaller cobs, and longer husks.The edible part of corn shoots is the young and tender cob before the grains have fully developed. They are nutritionally rich and can be stir-fried to create a crispy, sweet, and delicious dish.They can also be processed into canned food.Corn shoots contain abundant vitamins, proteins, and minerals, making them highly nutritious.They have a unique fragrance and a sweet, crispy, and fresh taste.

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