Corn fermented pancakes will make you fall in love with coarse grains.

Published Categorized as Dessert

Corn fermented pancakes are a kind of food that exudes a strong rural charm and natural beauty. They are made from pure natural cornmeal mixed with an appropriate amount of water, and fermented with some yeast powder. The pancake surface is slightly yellowish, as if it carries the golden sunlight. It possesses a simple and authentic texture where the sweetness of corn merges perfectly with the resilience of the flour, leaving a lingering taste in one’s mouth.

Ingredients for corn fermented pancakes:

Corn flour 200g
Flour 130g
Yeast 4g
Edible oil 10g


1.In a tranquil kitchen, sprinkle golden cornmeal into a bowl. Pour steaming hot water gently, like a warm stream flowing in. As the water is poured, the stirring spoon dances in the flour, gradually blending the fine corn particles into a sticky paste.

2.Firstly, let the batter cool to around 30 degrees Celsius, which allows the cornmeal and flour to better integrate. Then, add an appropriate amount of flour and yeast, mix thoroughly to form a soft dough. The dough should be evenly mixed, non-sticky, and of moderate softness. As you knead the dough, it gradually becomes soft and elastic, like caressing a warm soul. The touch of your fingers tightens the structure of the dough, preparing it for fermentation.

3.After kneading the dough, place it in a sealed container and cover it with a lid. Let it ferment in a warm place for about an hour. During fermentation, yeast in the dough continuously produces gas, causing the dough to expand. At the same time, the honeycomb-like structure within the dough becomes more pronounced, a typical characteristic of fermentation. After an hour, when you open the lid, you’ll find that the dough has noticeably increased in size and is full of honeycomb-like structures. This indicates that the dough has fermented sufficiently. It’s now ready to make the corn fermented pancakes.

4.To prevent the dough from sticking to the surface, sprinkle some flour on the board. Carefully take out the well-fermented corn dough and feel its soft and elastic texture. Gently knead and mix all the components thoroughly, ensuring an even mix and incorporating air into the dough. Kneading the dough makes it smoother and more consistent, as well as softer, facilitating further manipulation. Next, shape the kneaded corn dough into a long strip and cut it into equally sized pieces.

5.Take each piece of dough, place it in the palm of your hand, and gently shape it into a smooth round ball. Place it on the board for later use. This process requires careful handling to ensure each piece is smooth and evenly shaped for fermentation and baking. Once all the dough pieces are formed, cover them with plastic wrap and let them ferment for another 10 minutes. This allows the yeast within the dough to ferment further, resulting in a softer texture. Additionally, the gas produced during fermentation will make the dough expand more, enhancing its appearance.

6.Prepare a plate and brush it with a layer of cooking oil. This prevents the corn fermented pancakes from sticking to the plate. Then, take each dough ball in your palm and gently press it into a uniformly thin pancake. Pay attention to the pressure applied, ensuring that the pancakes are evenly shaped without being too thin, which could affect the texture. Place the flattened pancakes on the plate for later use.

7.Carefully brush cooking oil on the smooth surface of an electric griddle, giving it a delicious base coat. When the oil is at the right temperature, gently place each pancake onto the griddle. As the temperature rises, the aroma of corn and the heat from the dough start to release. After 30 seconds, flip the pancakes and continue cooking. During this process, flip the pancakes multiple times over medium-low heat to ensure even heating and avoid burning. Cooking time is approximately 3 minutes, but it can be adjusted based on pancake thickness and personal preference.

8.While cooking the corn fermented pancakes, they will gradually change color from pale yellow to a golden hue on both sides. This is due to the evaporation of moisture and fats from the pancakes, creating a crispy outer layer while keeping the interior soft. When both sides achieve the desired golden color, gently remove them from the griddle and place them on a plate. The heat radiates from the pancakes as their enticing aroma fills the air. These golden and crispy pancakes become a mouthwatering delicacy, waiting to be shared with everyone.


1.If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add a small amount of sugar before fermenting the dough.

2.Place the well-fermented dough in a warm location, cover it with a damp cloth or plastic wrap, and let it rest and ferment. This will make the dough even softer and improve its texture.

The refreshing aroma of corn fills the air, like a natural gift rising from the depths of the earth. The subtle sweetness evokes memories of idyllic summer afternoons in the countryside. With each bite, you can feel the resilience and delicacy of the corn, as if savoring nature’s bounty. They bring back memories of cherished moments shared during family gatherings in childhood. The taste buds are touched by gentle flavors, while the heart is moved by that warmth.

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