Cooling and mixing three fresh vegetables tutorial

Published Categorized as Northeastern cuisine

Cooling and mixing three fresh vegetables, also known as in Chinese, is a traditional delicacy that is perfect for summer consumption. Its history can be traced back to ancient times in China, where it was popular among the general population. This dish primarily consists of three fresh vegetables, which are cooked using unique culinary techniques and mixed with various seasonings. Cooling and mixing three fresh vegetables stand out with its vibrant colors, refreshing taste, and abundant nutrients. In the hot summer weather, enjoying a dish of cooling and mixing three fresh vegetables not only satisfies the taste buds but also replenishes the body with necessary nutrition and hydration. This dish is suitable for the whole family to enjoy, as it is simple to make and ideal for home cooking.

Ingredients for Cooling and mixing three fresh vegetables:

Eggplant 300g
Potato 200g
Green pepper 50g
Red pepper 50g
Oyster sauce 3g
Light soy sauce 2g
Salt 2g
Sugar 1g
Starch 5g
Dark soy sauce 2g
Streaky pork 60g
Bean paste 3g


1.First, prepare an eggplant. Wash the eggplant thoroughly and cut it into segments about ten centimeters long. Place the segments in a steamer. Next, take a potato, remove the skin, and cut it into small pieces. Place the potato in the steamer as well. Cover the steamer with its lid, set it to high heat, and steam for approximately 15 minutes. During this process, the eggplant and potato will gradually become tender and absorb the heat from the steam, enhancing their flavors. Eggplants are rich in nutrients, containing vitamins and minerals, while potatoes are a common staple food, abundant in carbohydrates and fiber. Steaming allows us to retain the original taste of the ingredients while reducing the use of oil, making the dish healthier.

2.Prepare a green pepper and a red pepper. Wash and pat dry the peppers. Then, place a pan over the heat source without adding any oil. Once the pan is hot, add the green and red peppers. Use a spoon to gently press the peppers’ skin against the bottom of the pan, allowing them to roast. This process creates a charred, tiger-skin-like appearance on the outer skin of the peppers. The roasting time can vary depending on personal preference, so you can decide how long to roast based on your desired level of doneness. Once roasted, remove the peppers from the pan and transfer them to a plate for later use. The roasted green and red peppers will have a smoky aroma, unique flavor, and vibrant color, adding a special touch to the dish.

3.Prepare a piece of streaky pork and dice it into minced meat, then set it aside in a bowl. Heat oil in a pan, and once hot, add the diced streaky pork to the pan and start stir-frying. During the frying process, spread out the minced meat and evenly heat it until it changes color. Next, add a tablespoon of bean paste, oyster sauce, and light soy sauce, and continue stir-frying to evenly coat the minced meat with the seasonings. These condiments will enhance the flavor and aroma of the dish. While continuing to stir-fry the minced meat and seasonings, add a small amount of water to the pan. Observe the color of the sauce, and if it appears too light, you can add some dark soy sauce for richer color and taste. Then, add an appropriate amount of salt for seasoning and a little white sugar to enhance the flavors. Stir everything together, ensuring that the seasonings are fully incorporated. Finally, pour in a small amount of water mixed with cornstarch to thicken the sauce. Stir well until it reaches the desired thickness.

4.After approximately 15 minutes of steaming, we can now check whether the eggplant and potato are cooked through. Open the lid of the steamer and carefully inspect the tenderness of the ingredients. The eggplant and potato should have become soft, easily pierced, and readily insertable with a fork or chopstick. If they have reached this state, they are fully steamed. Once confirmed, carefully remove the eggplant and potato using kitchen utensils and transfer them to a separate container. Steamed in this way, the eggplant and potato retain their original flavors and become tender and delicious.

5.Prepare a small bowl and tear the roasted peppers into large pieces, then place them in the bowl. The vibrant colors and intense spiciness of the peppers will add a unique flavor to the dish. Next, tear the steamed eggplant into strips and add them to the bowl. The tender texture and mild taste of the eggplant will bring a refreshing mouthfeel to the dish. It’s not necessary to be too precise with the shape of the eggplant strips; they can be roughly torn to preserve their original juiciness. This way, every bite will capture the rich and aromatic essence of the eggplant. Additionally, you can also break the steamed potato into small chunks and add them to the bowl. The soft texture of the potato, combined with the eggplant and peppers, will create a delicious layered experience. To enhance both the texture and visual appeal of the dish, we can garnish with some fresh cilantro and chopped scallions, adding a touch of vibrant green and releasing a fragrant aroma.

6.In the final step of cooking, we will pour the previously fried meat sauce into the vegetable bowl and mix well. This step is crucial as it adds rich flavors and textures to our dish. First, carefully pour the pre-prepared meat sauce into the bowl with various vegetables. This meat sauce is made from selected meats that have been fried, releasing irresistible aromas. Next, gently stir the vegetables and meat sauce using a spoon or chopsticks. Through stirring, the meat sauce can evenly coat each piece of vegetable, allowing every bite to fully enjoy the rich flavors. The stirring motion should be gentle and even, ensuring that each piece of vegetable blends well with the meat sauce. This way, the vegetables will become even more delicious, while the fragrance of the meat sauce will permeate throughout.

7.After being thoroughly mixed, the food blends together perfectly. Each bite releases an enticing aroma that makes one’s mouth water. The vibrant colors of the ingredients intertwine, adding a lively scene to the plate. The delicate and rich texture dances on the taste buds, providing an unparalleled enjoyment. Now, it’s time to plate the carefully blended food and get ready to welcome a delicious feast!


1.Cooling and mixing three fresh vegetables is eggplant, potato, and green pepper. It is essential to choose fresh ingredients to achieve a better texture for the cold mixed Di San Xian.

2.The cutting method for eggplant, potato, and green pepper can be adjusted according to personal preference, but it is generally recommended to cut them into evenly sized pieces. This ensures better seasoning absorption and consistent texture.

3.Cold mixed dishes are best prepared and consumed immediately for optimal taste. If left for too long, both the texture and color of the vegetables can be affected.

The vibrant color combination of the Cooling and mixing three fresh vegetables is visually appealing. Even after cooking, the eggplant, potato, and peppers retain their unique colors. The eggplant showcases a deep purple hue, the potato a pale yellow, and the peppers maintain their bright green or red colors. These vivid colors intertwine, making this dish visually attractive. In terms of taste, the eggplant is tender, the potato is delicate, and the peppers provide a refreshing crunch. The three ingredients blend perfectly, creating a rich and layered experience. Each bite allows you to savor the natural flavors of fresh vegetables combined with the aromatic seasonings, leaving a lingering and satisfying taste.

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