Cold Tossed Chrysanthemum greens

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Cold Tossed Chrysanthemum greens is a delicious and healthy home-cooked dish. It not only provides a refreshing and appetizing flavor but also contains various nutrients such as vitamins, carotenoids, amino acids, proteins, and significant amounts of minerals like sodium and potassium. When enjoying this cold tossed dish, one can experience the crispness and fragrant aroma of the Chrysanthemum greens, along with the tender texture of lean meat strips. It’s truly mouthwatering and delectable, increasing one’s appetite for its wonderful taste.

Ingredients for Cold Tossed Chrysanthemum greens

茼蒿 200g
食用油 22g
玉米淀粉 18g
大蒜 6g
红椒 10g
青椒 10g
食盐 5g
味精 1g
辣椒油 5g
香醋 7g


1.First, we need a bunch of Chrysanthemum greens. Remove any old leaves and cut them into two sections. Place them in a bowl and wash thoroughly. Then, let them drain in a colander for an hour to remove excess water.

2.Start by boiling water in a pot fitted with a steaming rack. Brush the rack evenly with cooking oil to prevent sticking. Cover the pot with a lid and bring the water to a boil.

3.In a small bowl, place the drained Chrysanthemum greens and mix in some cooking oil. Coating the Chrysanthemum greens with oil prevents sticking during steaming. Do not add salt at this stage, as it will cause theChrysanthemum greens to release a lot of water. Then, add cornstarch or cornmeal and mix thoroughly, ensuring that the Chrysanthemum greens are completely coated.

4.By now, the water should be boiling. Place the Chrysanthemum greens on the steaming rack, making sure they are spread out evenly. Cover the pot again and steam over medium heat for 5 minutes.

5.While waiting, prepare the dipping sauce. Crush 5 cloves of garlic and chop them finely. Cut a small piece of red pepper into small pieces, and half a green pepper as well, mainly for color. Mix them together with the minced garlic.

6.After 5 minutes, remove the steamed Chrysanthemum greens from the pot and transfer them onto a cutting board. Use chopsticks to quickly separate the greens, making sure to do this while they are still hot. If desired, sprinkle a little salt while separating to enhance the flavor evenly. Arrange the Chrysanthemum greens on a serving plate.

7.Next, make the dressing. In a small bowl, combine 1 gram of monosodium glutamate (MSG), 10 grams of cooking oil (which will make the amaranth greens glossy), and 5 grams of chili oil. If you like it spicy, you can add more chili. Add the minced green and red peppers, along with the garlic, into the bowl. Then, add 7 grams of vinegar and mix well. If you prefer a non-spicy version, you can omit the chili oil. If you prefer to enjoy the natural taste of the vegetables, only add a little salt and skip the other ingredients.

8.Pour the dressing over the Chrysanthemum greens. You can also pour it while separating the greens.


1.Choose fresh and tender chrysanthemum greens: When buying chrysanthemum greens, look for ones that have vibrant color, tender leaves, and a firm texture. This ensures a delicious taste and a crispy texture.
2.Seasoning combination: In cold tossed Chrysanthemum greens, you can add an appropriate amount of peanut sauce, vinegar, minced garlic, salt, white pepper powder, and a little sugar. The seasoning combination can be adjusted according to personal taste to achieve the best flavor.
3.Best time to consume: It’s best to enjoy cold tossed Chrysanthemum greens shortly after preparation to maintain their freshness and crispy texture. Prolonged storage may cause the greens to become soft and lose their nutritional value.

This cold tossed Chrysanthemum greens dish is not only delicious but also a healthy choice. It is rich in vitamins and fiber, delivering a satisfying and enjoyable taste experience. Whether served as an appetizer or main course, cold tossed amaranth greens add vibrancy and liveliness to the dining experience.


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