Clear and nourishing celery meatball soup

Published Categorized as Soup and congee

Celery  Meat-ball soup, as if the taste of autumn on the tip of the tongue jump. The steaming soup exudes a hint of celery fragrance, making people cannot help taking a deep breath. Chewing the tender and smooth meatballs, I felt the soup spreading in my mouth, as if I concentrated in this bowl of soup all autumn. A sip of it, and a warm feeling comes over me, as if all my fatigue has been cured by this bowl of soup.

Ingredients for celery meatball soup

Pork 500g
Celery 100g
Firm tofu 30g
Green onion 6g
Ginger 5g
Salt 22g
Chicken powder 1g
Oyster sauce 2g
Dark soy sauce 11g
Egg 50g
Scallion 8g
Light soy sauce 2g
Starch 5g
Green pricklyash 3g
Coriander 3g
Sesame oil 3g
Pepper powder 11g
Sichuan peppercorn powder 1g
Dried chilli 5g


1.Firstly, we prepare a fresh pork, slice it into thin pieces, which will be convenient for us to mince into meatballs. When mincing the pork, we need to mince it into fine and even meatballs, which can make the meatballs more elastic and taste more rich. The minced pork is put into a basin and set aside. Now, the meatballs are ready, let’s continue to make celery meatball soup.

2.Take a small handful of celery, clean it carefully. Then, dice the celery into small particles with uniform size, which is easy to chew. The diced celery is put into a basin for cooking later.

3.Carefully take out a block of frim tofu, its surface is smooth and texture is tough. Press the tofu gently with the back of a knife, you can feel the delicate taste and incredible smoothness of the tofu. As the tofu is pressed, it gradually becomes more delicate and presents an attractive ivory color. We put these crushed tofu particles into a basin and set them aside as they will be an important ingredient in our cooking next.

4.Next, we take a large white onion, break it in half, and cut it into pieces. Then cut a small piece of ginger into ginger powder, and put them together with minced meat in a basin. This can make the minced meat more flavorful, and enhance the taste and aroma of the soup. Now that all the ingredients are ready, we can start cooking this delicious celery meat Meat-ball soup.

5.After all the ingredients are prepared, we move on to the next step. We add two grams of salt, one gram of chicken powder, one gram of pepper powder, one gram of sichuan peppercorn powder, two grams of oyster sauce, a few drops of dark soy sauce to the meatballs, mix them evenly and season the meat filling with them. Then, we crack an egg and mix it in with one hand, continuing to mix and blend. Add a little tofu to the mixture and continue stirring until the tofu and meat filling are fully integrated. Then, we add some celery and continue to stir and mix. Finally, we add some starch to enhance the saturation power of the meat filling and make it more difficult to break apart.

6.Take out a small handful of fresh scallion and dice them into fine onion flakes. Then, take a small piece of ginger, smash it with a pestle, and dice it into ginger slices. Put them together in a basin. These seasonings will be used to enhance the aroma and taste of the soup.

7.Next, we start frying the meatballs. Heat the pan with oil until it’s hot enough for frying. Turn off the heat or take the pan off the heat to prevent overcooking. Take a handful of meatballs and squeeze them out of the palm of your hand with a spoon. Then, put them in the pan when the oil is cool. When the oil is cold, put the pan on the fire and continue to add meatballs. Gently shake the pan to prevent the meatballs from sticking to the bottom. Before the meatballs solidify, don’t push them directly; instead, use a spoon to lightly push the oil around the edge of the pan. Gradually, the meatballs will solidify and turn into a golden yellow color. Then, take them out of the pan to cool.

8.Next, we start cooking. We heat the oil in the pot, brush in a few seeds of sichuan peppercorn powder and dried chili, stir-fry until fragrant, then add chopped green onion and ginger. Add a small pot of water, add soy sauce to enhance the flavor, add two drops of dark soy sauce to enhance the color, add two grams of salt, one gram of pepper powder, and cook until the soup boils. Turn down the heat, pour in the meatballs and cook for five minutes, allowing the meatballs to infuse the flavor. After five minutes, add a little water starch and stir to reduce the soup.

9.When the soup is ready, we finally pour in a little sesame oil to make the soup taste more rich. Then, we can remove the soup from the pot and serve it on a plate, sprinkling a little fresh chopped scallion and cilantro leaves for garnish. These green spices not only enhance the beauty of the soup, but also make the taste of the soup more rich. Now, this delicious celery meat Meat-ball soup is ready, and we can begin to enjoy the delicious food it brings.


1.The taste and taste of Rice-meat dumplings is the key to the whole soup. When making Rice-meat dumplings, fresh pork should be selected with moderate fat and lean.

2.During the cooking process, it is necessary to control the heat and time, and do not overcook or overstew to avoid deteriorating the taste of the ingredients.

Celery and Meat-ball soup is a delicacy with perfect color, aroma and taste. The green celery and the tender meatballs set off each other, giving people a great appetite. The meatballs float up and down in the soup, emitting a tempting aroma. Taste it. The soup is mellow and the meat is delicious. The taste of celery and the taste of meatballs are perfectly integrated. I want to have another bowl after drinking this one. This soup is really delicious!

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