Chub head

Published Categorized as Fish, Seafood

Calories: 127cal/100g
Nutritional Value: Reduces blood lipid levels, warms the stomach, nourishes deficiency, promotes brain health
Not suitable for: Individuals with spleen and stomach damp-heat
Introduction: Grass carp, also known as silver carp, is a freshwater fish widely consumed for its delicious taste and nutritional benefits. Grass carp fish head is highly nutritious. In addition to protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B1, it also contains lecithin, which is a substance lacking in fish meat. Lecithin is metabolized by the body to produce choline, which is crucial for the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory, thinking, and cognitive abilities. Consuming grass carp fish head can enhance memory and brain function. Additionally, fish heads are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. However, fish heads may also contain traces of heavy metals, so it is recommended not to consume them excessively to avoid potential harm. When purchasing fish heads, look for bright red gills, as they indicate freshness, while dark black gills may suggest prolonged storage.

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