Chicken neck

Published Categorized as Chicken, Meat

Chicken neck 鸡脖( jī bó )

Calories: 231kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Improve immunity, strengthen the brain and eyesight, and benefit cardiovascular health
Not Suitable for: Damp-heat constitution, phlegm-damp constitution, and blood stasis constitution
Introduction: Chicken necks are a section of the chicken’s neck, which contains little meat and mostly bones. However, the meat in this part is relatively fresh and tender, with a certain chewiness and elasticity, which can add variety to the taste of the food and make people feel more satisfied. Chicken necks are rich in protein, calcium, iron, zinc and other nutrients, which are beneficial to health. Chicken necks contain vitamin A, calcium and vitamin E, which play an important role in vision. Chicken necks are rich in vitamins and trace elements, which can help absorb calcium and promote bone metabolism. Chicken necks contain abundant collagen, which can increase the lubrication of the intestines and help with bowel movements and digestion. Purchased chicken necks should be promptly refrigerated to prevent deterioration caused by prolonged exposure to air.

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