Chicken Kidney

Published Categorized as Chicken, Meat

Chicken kidney 鸡肾 ( jī shèn )

Also known as:chicken waist

Calories: 100kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Promote digestion, strengthen the spleen, alleviate restlessness, and improve kidney deficiency.
Not Suitable for: Damp-heat constitution, gout, high blood lipids and high blood pressure
Introduction: Chicken kidney is an organ of the chicken, shaped like an egg, slightly smaller than a pigeon egg, with a milky white color and tender texture, wrapped in a fascia that must be peeled off after cooking. Chicken kidney is a nutritious ingredient rich in protein, amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamins, including vitamin B2, iron, and zinc, which are easily absorbed and utilized by the body. Therefore, it has the effects of improving immunity, increasing hemoglobin content, and promoting bone development, making it very suitable for consumption. Chicken kidney also contains certain internal hormones and sarcosine, which can promote human growth and development and enhance muscle strength, playing a very important role in the physiological functions of pregnant women, children, and the elderly. It should be noted that fresh chicken kidney should be red in color, smooth in appearance, and free of odor and abnormality. If the chicken kidney is dull in color, has mucus on the surface, or has an odor, it is not fresh.

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