Cheese Purple Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe

Published Categorized as Dessert

Every bite of Cheese Purple Sweet Potato Pancakes exudes an enticing aroma. The crispy outer layer wraps around the soft and velvety purple sweet potato filling, combined with the delicate cheese. When you take a bite, the creamy richness of the cheese blends harmoniously with the sweet and sticky texture of the purple sweet potato, creating a delightful sensation on your taste buds.Not only does this dish boast exceptional flavor, but it is also nutritionally rich. Purple sweet potatoes are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, providing a healthy boost to the body. The cheese adds abundant calcium and protein, promoting strength and bone health.
Ingredients for Cheese Purple Sweet Potato Pancakes

Purple sweet potato 1000g
Sugar 20g
Alfredo 40g
Edible oil 12g

1.Wash and cut the purple sweet potatoes into chunks.

2.Put them in a steamer and steam for 15 minutes until soft. Remove from the steamer.

3.Add a tablespoon of sugar and some cheese to the steamed purple sweet potatoes. You can add more cheese for better taste. Mix well.

4.Shape the mixture into small balls.

5.Take a dumpling wrapper and knead it slightly. Place one ball of the purple sweet potato mixture onto the wrapper and seal it tightly before flattening it.

6.Heat a non-stick pan with a little cooking oil. Place the flattened pancakes in the pan and cook over low heat. Flip them over after one side is golden brown and cook the other side until golden brown as well. Once done, remove from the pan. Let them cool before serving.

1.Choose fresh purple sweet potatoes for better texture and taste.
2.When wrapping the cheese and purple sweet potato filling, avoid sealing it too tightly to prevent cheese from overflowing during frying.
3.Use low heat when frying the pancakes for a more evenly cooked and better-textured result.

Cheese Purple Sweet Potato Pancakes are not only suitable as afternoon tea snacks but also make a delicious choice for breakfast or late-night cravings. They can be enjoyed on their own or paired with coffee or tea, offering a full indulgence to your taste buds. This culinary delight not only satisfies our pursuit of deliciousness but also showcases the fusion of creativity and artistry. Each piece of Cheese Purple Sweet Potato Pancake is crafted with care, serving as both a visual and gustatory pleasure.

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