Chai chicken

Published Categorized as Chicken, Meat

Chai chicken 柴鸡 ( chái jī )

Also known as:  free-range chicken

Calories: 111kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Supplement nutrition and strengthen physical fitness
Not Suitable for: Gastric acid, Biliary tract disease, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia
Introduction: Chai chicken  has tough and lean meat with thin legs resembling dry firewood. Due to their natural habitat in areas with stacked firewood, they are named “Chai chicken‘’. Chai chicken has a high protein content, which can help strengthen the body and enhance the immune system. Additionally, it has low levels of fat and sugar, while being rich in nutrients such as phospholipids, iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin D. These nutrients are easily digestible and absorbable. Chai chicken can provide auxiliary therapeutic effects for conditions such as hearing loss, tinnitus, and frequent urination caused by insufficient kidney essence. It is a nutritionally-rich ingredient with multiple benefits and effects, contributing to overall health when consumed in moderation. When purchasing, it is advisable to observe certain qualities. High-quality chai chicken has bright and glossy feathers, with the meat appearing pale yellow or light red, minimal fat content, and firm and elastic texture. It is best to avoid purchasing Chai chicken with dull feathers lacking luster, darkening or off-putting odor in the meat, excessive fat, or soft and loose texture.

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