
Taro 芋头 ( yù tóu ) Classification: Genus Colocasia in the family Araceae Calories: 80kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Cleaning teeth and preventing cavities、Dieting and weight loss、Lubricating the intestines and promoting bowel movements Not Suitable for: Diabetes、People with indigestion Introduction: The leaves of the taro plant are shield-shaped, with long and thick leaf stalks that can be…


Konjac 魔芋 ( mó yù ) Classification: Genus Colocasia in the family Araceae Calories: 7kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Lowering cholesterol and blood sugar、Detoxification and promoting bowel movements、Weight loss and beauty Not Suitable for: Skin rash、Typhoid fever and common cold Introduction: The underground tuber of konjac is flat and large, with thick and stout leaf stalks.It has…


Turnips 红萝卜 ( hóng luó bo ) Classification: Genus Brassica in the family Brassicaceae Calories: 32kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Weight loss、Aid digestion、Vascular softening Not Suitable for: Spleen and stomach deficiency-cold、Chronic gastritis、Threatened miscarriage Introduction: Turnip is a perennial herbaceous plant.Its roots are thick and have a reddish appearance on the outside, while the cut surface is pale…


Burdock 牛蒡 ( niú bàng ) Classification: Genus Arctium in the family Asteraceae Calories: 72kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Dispelling wind-heat、Promoting lung ventilation and facilitating rash eruption、Clearing the throat and relieving hoarseness Not Suitable for: Spleen and Stomach deficiency-cold Introduction: Burdock has a mild grassy aroma, somewhat similar to ginseng, and a slightly bitter taste when chewed.The…

Water caltrop

Water caltrop 菱角 ( líng jiǎo ) Classification: Genus Trapa in the family Lythraceae Calories: 98kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Clear heat and relieve summer heat、Tonify the spleen and boost qi、Aid in weight loss and body shaping Not Suitable for: High blood sugar、Spleen and Stomach weakness Introduction: Water caltrop is an annual herbaceous aquatic plant belonging to…

Preserved pickle

Preserved pickle 榨菜 ( zhà cài ) Classification: Genus Brassica in the family Brassicaceae Calories: 29kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Increase appetite、Relieve mood Not Suitable for: Hypertension、Heart disease Introduction: Preserved pickle is a kind of leafy mustard vegetable that belongs to the family of Cruciferae in the class of Angiosperms, which are dicotyledonous plants.It is commonly used…


Cassava 木薯 ( mù shǔ ) Classification: Genus Manihot in the family Euphorbiaceae Calories: 119kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Provide energy、Reduce swelling and detoxify、Relieve constipation Not Suitable for: Spleen and stomach deficiency-cold Introduction: Cassava is a plant with alternate, palmately deeply lobed leaves that have a paper-like texture and lanceolate shape.Cassava has a relatively high protein content,…

Green radish

Green radish 青萝卜 ( qīng luó bo ) Classification: Genus Brassica in the family Brassicaceae Calories: 29kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promote digestion、Moisten the intestines and promote bowel movements、Moisten the lungs and relieve coughing Not Suitable for: Spleen and Stomach qi deficiency with cold Introduction: Green radish belongs to the raw-eating green variety, with a long cylindrical…

Dried Bamboo Shoots

Dried bamboo shoots 干笋 ( gān sǔn ) Classification: Family Poaceae Calories: 275kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Appetite-stimulating and spleen-invigorating、Moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements、Beautifying and skincare Not Suitable for: Nephritis、Gastric ulcer、Gastric bleeding、Liver cirrhosis Introduction: Dried bamboo shoots are made from fresh spring bamboo shoots using traditional techniques such as peeling, root trimming, high-temperature steaming, water…

Jerusalem artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes 洋姜 ( yáng jiāng ) Classification: Family Asteraceae, Genus Helianthus Calories: 56kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Reduce internal heat、Regulate blood sugar、Anti-inflammatory and analgesic Not Suitable for: Ocular disorders、Eye diseases Introduction: Jerusalem artichoke blooms in autumn, featuring small yellow disc-like flowers resembling chrysanthemums.It is commonly propagated using rhizomes.The underground rhizomes are rich in starch, inulin (a…