Long bean

Long beans 长豆角 ( Cháng dòu jiǎo ) Classification: Genus Vigna in the family Fabaceae Calories: 30kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promote digestion、 Lower blood sugar and promote weight loss、 Supplement vitamins Not suitable for: Abdominal bloating Introduction: Long beans are a vegetable commonly harvested during the summer.They contain various vitamins and minerals.The tender pods have plump flesh and…

Purple sweet potato

Purple sweet potato 紫薯 ( zǐ shǔ ) Classification: Genus Ipomoea in the family Convolvulaceae Calories: 80kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Protecting the gastrointestinal tract、Weight loss、Slimming down Not Suitable for: Dampness obstructing the spleen and stomach Introduction: The flesh of the potato is purple to deep purple in color.In addition to containing the typical nutritional components of…

Sweet potato

Sweet potato 红薯 ( hóng shǔ ) Classification: Genus Ipomoea in the family Convolvulaceae Calories: 99kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promoting bowel movements and detoxification、Assisting in blood pressure reduction、Beautifying and nourishing the appearance Not Suitable for: Diabetes、Gastric ulcer Introduction: Raw sweet potatoes are crispy and sweet, serving as a substitute for fruits.When cooked, they become soft and…


radish 萝卜 ( luó bo ) Classification: Genus Raphanus in the family Brassicaceae Calories: 20kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Clearing heat and resolving phlegm、Promoting digestion and relieving constipation、Regulating blood pressure Not Suitable for: Excess yin and cold tendency、Spleen and stomach deficiency with coldness Introduction: White radish is a type of radish, which belongs to the Raphanus genus…


Yam 山药 ( shān yao ) Classification: Dioscoreaceae, Dioscorea genus Calories: 57kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Improves constitution、Strengthens the spleen and stomach、Nourishes the kidneys and essence Not suitable for: Individuals with constipation Introduction: Yam has a thick juice and leaves a slightly dry and sweet taste after consumption.It has a long cylindrical stem that grows vertically.The leaves…

Bamboo Shoots

Bamboo shoots 竹笋 ( zhú sǔn ) Classification: Poaceae Calories: 20kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Appetite-stimulating and spleen-invigorating、Promoting intestinal movement and relieving constipation、Beauty and skincare Not Suitable for: Nephritis、Gastric ulcer、Gastric bleeding、Cirrhosis、Urinary tract stones Introduction: Bamboo shoots are the young sprouts of bamboo.Bamboo is a perennial evergreen herbaceous plant, and the edible part is the tender, short, and…


Onion 洋葱 ( yáng cōng ) Classification: Genus Allium in the family Liliaceae Calories: 40kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Beauty and skincare、Protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health Not Suitable for: Stomach disease Introduction: Onions themselves contain trace element selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant that can enhance cellular vitality and delay aging.Purple onions, in particular, have anthocyanins in…

Bean Sprouts

Bean sprouts 豆芽 ( dòu yá ) Classification: Genus Vigna in the family Fabaceae Calories: 47kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Beauty、Detoxification、Relieve constipation Not Suitable for: Diarrhea、Individuals with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold Introduction: Bean sprouts are edible “sprouted vegetables” cultivated from various grains, legumes, and tree seeds.They are also known as “living vegetables.” With a wide…

Mung bean sprouts

Mung bean sprouts 绿豆芽 ( lǜ dòu yá ) Classification: Genus Vigna in the family Fabaceae Calories: 8kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Clearing heat and detoxifying、Beauty and weight loss、Improving vision Not Suitable for: Individuals with chronic enteritis、Individuals with chronic gastritis、Individuals with indigestion Introduction: Mung bean sprouts, also known as sprouted green beans.During the germination process of green…


Celtuces 青笋 (qīng sǔn) Classification: Poaceae Calories: 23kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Diuretic、Relieving indigestion and reducing bloating Not Suitable for: Nephritis、Cirrhosis、Gastric ulcer、Gastric bleeding、Individuals with enteritis、Urinary tract stones Introduction: Celtuces are the young sprouts of various bamboo species in the Poaceae family.The edible part is the shoot after removing the outer layers.Celtuces have nutritional value as they contain…