
Edamame 毛豆 ( máo dòu ) Classification: Leguminosae, Phaseoleae, Glycine Calories: 130kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Relieve fatigue、Nourish spleen and stomach、Relieve constipation Not Suitable for: Gout、Diarrhea、Uremia Introduction: Edamame is a vegetable soybean specifically grown for its tender and edible pods.Edamame is essentially young, fresh soybeans in their pods. It is an annual crop with thick, sturdy stems…


Pea 豌豆 ( wān dòu ) Classification: Leguminosae, Pisum Calories: 313kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Protect eyesight、Keep beauty、 Nourish skin Not Suitable for: Skin disease、Urinary calculus、Chronic pancreatitis Introduction: Peas have a green color throughout the entire plant, smooth and hairless, with a powdery coating.The leaves consist of 4-6 leaflets, with heart-shaped stipules and finely toothed lower margins.The…

Green beans

Green beans 四季豆 ( sì jì dòu ) Classification: Papilionoideae, Phaseolinae, Phaseolus Calories: 34kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Increase appetite、Control blood sugar、 Benefit qi and strengthen the spleen Not Suitable for: Person with abdominal distension Introduction: Green beans come in various shapes, including wide or narrow flat strips, long or short rounded sticks, or an intermediate type.The…

Sweet pea

Sweet pea 荷兰豆 ( hé lán dòu ) Classification: Leguminosae, Pisum Calories: 30kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Moisten intestines and relax bowels、 Beautify and slim Not Suitable for: Pregnant women、Patients with skin diseases、Patients with renal insufficiency Introduction: Sweet peas are long, oval-shaped or flat-podded legumes.They can be classified as tender pods or tough pods based on the…

Broad bean

Broad bean 蚕豆 ( cán dòu ) Classification: Leguminosae, Vicia Calories: 8.8kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Replenish energy、Promote urination and dispel dampness、Invigorate spleen and stimulate appetite Not Suitable for: Hemorrhoids、Chronic colitis、 Indigestion Introduction: Broad beans have plump pods that are 5-10 centimeters long and 2-3 centimeters wide.The skin of the pods is green and covered with fuzz,…


Canavalia 刀豆 ( dāo dòu ) Classification: Legume, Phaseolus Calories: 40kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Anticancer、Antitumor、Improve immunity Not Suitable for: Renal disease Introduction: Canavalia is a climbing herbaceous plant that can grow several meters long.It has pinnate compound leaves with ovate leaflets, which are wide-wedge-shaped at the base.The lateral leaflets are slightly inclined, and the petiole is…

Bottle gourd

Bottle gourd 瓠瓜 ( hù guā ) Classification: Cucurbita Calories: 15kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Reduce blood sugar、Enhance physical fitness Not Suitable for: Patients with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold Introduction: Bottle gourd is an annual climbing herbaceous plant.The stems and branches have grooves and are covered with long, sticky, and soft hairs.The leaf stalks are…

Corn shoot

Corn shoot 玉米笋 ( yù mǐ sǔn ) Classification: Gramineae, Zea Calories: 16kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Digestive and appetizing、Diuretic and decongestant、Beauty and skin care Not Suitable for: High blood sugar、Frequent urination Introduction: Corn shoots are a type of annual tall-stemmed crop.They refer to the small and tender cobs of sweet corn, with husks and silk removed…


Citron 佛手 ( fó shǒu ) Classification: Citrus genus of Rutaceae Calories: 244kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Relieve pain and regulate the stomach, Dry dampness and resolve phlegm, Soothe the liver Not Suitable for: Weak、Sensitive、Yang deficiency and body heat Introduction: When fully ripe, the fruit of citron separates into elongated and curved segments, resembling fingers, hence its…


Chieh-qua 节瓜 ( jié guā ) Classification: gourd family, wax gourd genus Calories: 12kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Clearing heat、Relieving summer heat、 Detoxifying、Beauty and weight loss Not Suitable for: Liver disease、Stomach disease、 Deficiency and cold constitution、Allergic constitution Introduction: The petiole of the chieh-qua is sturdy, and the leaves are kidney-shaped and nearly round.The surface is dark green,…