Snake melon

Snake melon 菜瓜 ( cài guā ) Classification: Cucumis Calories: 18kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Moisturize the skin、Clear away heat and relieve summer heat、Relieve irritation and quench thirst Not Suitable for: Diarrhea、Stomach cold、Spleen and stomach qi deficiency Introduction: Snake melon has long, cylindrical or slightly rod-shaped fruits, measuring about 20-30 (-50) centimeters in length and 6-10 (-15)…

Purple eggplant

Purple eggplants 紫茄子 ( zǐ qié zi ) Classification: Solanum Calories: 40kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Delay aging, Clear heat and promote blood circulation, Reduce cholesterol Not Suitable for: Asthma Introduction: Purple eggplants contain vitamins A, B1, B2, and C.They are also rich in vitamin P, a substance that enhances cell adhesion between cells, improves the elasticity…


Pepper 辣椒 ( là jiāo ) Classification: Solanaceae, Capsicum Calories: 32kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Alleviate pain、Improve digestion and strengthen the stomach Not Suitable for: Pregnant women、Hemorrhoids Introduction: Peppers are annual or perennial vegetables.When fully matured, they can be dried and used as chili powder. For fresh consumption, high-quality  peppers should have uniform size, firm skin, thick…


Squash 笋瓜 ( sǔn guā ) Classification: Cucurbita Calories: 12kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Strengthen bones、Improve visual fatigue、Promote metabolism Not Suitable for: Gout、Kidney stones、Spleen and stomach weakness Introduction: Squash is an annual climbing herbaceous plant cultivated for its tender fruit or seeds.The young fruit is suitable for stir-frying, stuffing, or as animal feed, while the dried seeds…

Pod pepper

Pod pepper 朝天椒 ( cháo tiān jiāo ) Classification: Solanaceae Capsicum Calories: 32kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Warm the stomach and drive away cold、 Promote blood circulation Not Suitable for: Hyperthyroidism、Constipation、Gastric acid、Eye disease Introduction: The Pod pepper is commonly cultivated as an annual plant.It grows to a height of 30-60 centimeters, with multiple branches and erect stems.The…

Sweet corn

Sweet corn 甜玉米 ( tián yù mǐ ) Classification: Corn genus of the Gramineae Calories: 106kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Weight loss、Improve vision、Lower blood pressure and cholesterol Not Suitable for: Abdominal bloating、Liver cirrhosis Introduction: Sweet corn is a variety of maize and is considered one of the main vegetables in developed countries such as Europe, America, Korea,…

Round Eggplant

Round eggplant 圆茄子 ( yuán qié zi ) Classification: Solanum melongena (Eggplant belongs to the Solanaceae family and Solanum genus) Calories: 32kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Known for its benefits in treating stomach cancer、Anti-aging properties、Reducing cholesterol levels、Protecting cardiovascular health、Clear heat and relieve summer heat Not recommended for: Weak spleen and stomachweakness、Loose stools、Asthma should not consume large amounts…

String beans

String beans 豆角 ( dòu jiǎo ) Classification: Genus Vigna in the family Fabaceae Calories: 30kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Strengthen the spleen and stomach、Harmonize the organs、Nurture the spirit Not Suitable for: People with abdominal bloating Introduction: String beans are a vegetable that is abundant in the summer.They contain various vitamins and minerals. The tender pods have…


Gherkin 乳瓜 ( rǔ guā ) Classification: Carica papaya Calories: 32kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Accelerate metabolism、Beauty and nourishing、Brain and soothing Not Suitable for: Hypertension Introduction: The nutritional composition of gherkin mainly includes amino acids in the form of nitrogen, reducing sugars, various amino acids, and minerals.Gherkin is rich in proteins and potassium.Potassium plays a role in…

Water Chestnut

Water Chestnut  荸荠 ( bí qí ) Classification: Cyperaceae, Genus Eleocharis Calories: 31kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Cooling and thirst-quenching、Diuretic and expectorant、Lowers blood pressure Not suitable for: Individuals with blood deficiency or cold constitution Introduction: Water Chestnut, belonging to the family Cyperaceae and the genus Eleocharis, has tender and juicy flesh with a crispy, tender, and sweet…