The most “unworthy of its name” Beijing snack – Glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste.

Glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste  驴打滚 (lǘ dǎ gǔn) What is Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour? Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour is a traditional food that originated in northern China. Some people think that  Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour was first introduced to Beijing from the…

Candied apples

Caramelized apples“拔丝苹果'(bá sī píng guǒ). Caramelized apples, like a poem and a painting. Their appearance is round and plump, with a color reminiscent of a ruby, bringing a sense of joy and tranquility. With each delicate bite, the apple juice bursts into the mouth, offering a refreshing sweetness. However, what truly captivates is the long…

Traditional Beijing-style snack: Fried Sausage

Fried Rice Cakes“炸灌肠”(zhá guàn cháng). Immersed in the golden world of fried rice cakes, it feels like being in a culinary paradise. These crispy on the outside and tender on the inside sausages emit an enticing aroma, making the taste buds eager to indulge. With a gentle bite, the crispy exterior instantly shatters, releasing a…

Cumin Potato-Coated Sausages

Cumin Potato-Coated Sausages “孜然土豆脆皮肠”(Zī rán tǔ dòu cuì pí cháng). In the world of gastronomy, some dishes are like poetry, full of imagery and imagination. Among them, Cumin Potato-Coated Sausages are an irresistible temptation. When this dish is placed on the table, it not only makes one’s mouth water but also transports us to a…

Chou Sha Tangyuan

Chou Sha Tangyuan”抽纱汤圆”(chōu shā tāng yuán). Gently holding a tangyuan in my hand, it is as white as jade, delicate and tender. Scooping up a spoonful of hot soup, the fragrance fills the air, bringing warmth to the heart. Carefully taking a bite, the soft outer layer and the filling blend together in my mouth.…

Bacon Rice Balls

Bacon Rice Balls“培根饭团”(péi gēn fàn tuán). When bacon rice balls appear on the dining table, they bring not only deliciousness but also a captivating experience. This simple yet creative dish combines Japanese rice, flavorful seaweed, and irresistible bacon, showcasing the diversity and infinite possibilities of food. First, gazing at those transparent Japanese rice grains, one…

Homemade Spicy Peanut Delicacy

Bizarre-flavored peanuts ”怪味花生“(guài wèi huā shēng), resembling a tantalizing expedition for the taste buds. Each nut comes veiled in mystery, eagerly awaiting your exploration. They can be intensely spicy, irresistibly sweet, or perfectly savory, as if narrating their individual tales. Throughout this journey of discovery, your taste buds will be continuously tested and revitalized, delivering…

Easy-to-make Crispy Noodles

Crispy Noodles干脆面  (gān cuì miàn) Crispy noodles are a highly popular snack that features small and delicately shaped, golden-yellow, long strands sprinkled with various seasonings, instantly arousing one’s appetite. In terms of texture, crispy noodles are crunchy and flavorful, offering a unique mouthfeel that is irresistibly satisfying. Additionally, crispy noodles are convenient to carry and…

Recipe for Small Crispy Pork

Small crispy pork  小酥肉 (xiǎo sū ròu) Small crispy pork is a traditional famous dish that combines color, aroma, and taste. It has a long history and profound cultural significance. Its golden and tempting appearance, crispy skin, tender and juicy meat, and rich layers of flavors make it an irresistible delicacy. Small crispy pork is…

Homemade version of “Pudding” ice cream.

“Pudding” ice cream  “小布丁”雪糕 (xiǎo bù dīng xuě gāo) Homemade “Pudding” ice cream, a simple and easily mastered dessert. With basic ingredients ready, it can be prepared quickly. By adjusting the ingredients and flavors, various tastes and textures can be created. This ice cream is not only delicious but also great for beating the heat…