Mushroom Tofu Soup

Mushroom Tofu Soup“香菇豆腐汤”(Xiāng gū dòufu tāng ). On a cold winter’s day, a steaming bowl of Mushroom Tofu Soup not only nourishes the body but also uplifts the soul. This article will take you on a journey to savor the deliciousness of Mushroom Tofu Soup and appreciate the fascinating process of making it. Mushroom Tofu…

Clear and nourishing celery meatball soup

Celery  Meat-ball soup, as if the taste of autumn on the tip of the tongue jump. The steaming soup exudes a hint of celery fragrance, making people cannot help taking a deep breath. Chewing the tender and smooth meatballs, I felt the soup spreading in my mouth, as if I concentrated in this bowl of…

Winter Melon Meatball Soup: Refreshing and delicious, with a flavorful broth.

Winter Melon Meatball Soup is a renowned dish appreciated for its delicious taste and rich nutritional value. This dish is primarily made with winter melon and pork, cooked using refined culinary techniques. Winter melon contains various vitamins and minerals, which help cool the body, detoxify, promote diuresis, and reduce swelling, providing excellent health benefits. Pork,…

Here is a common homemade recipe for White Radish Soup

White Radish Soup is a simple and delicious home-cooked soup that is loved for its refreshing sweetness and rich nutrition. In the cold winter, a bowl of steaming hot White Radish Soup can warm the body and provide ample energy and nutrients. White radish is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable that contains a large amount of…

Corn and Spinach Soup: A Nourishing Soul-Healing Elixir

On a cold winter day, a bowl of steaming hot corn and spinach soup not only warms your body but also nourishes your soul. This nutritious and flavorful soup is filled with the warmth and comfort of home. With each sip of corn and spinach soup, you will experience a delicate and satisfying texture. The…

The recipe for cabbage and tofu soup

I savor a bowl of cabbage and tofu soup. The taste of this soup is refreshing and delicate, like the warmth of winter sunshine. As I drink this soup, I feel a sense of wisdom and tranquil power in life. Ingredients for cabbage and tofu soup Baby bok choy two Tofu 250g Egg three Salt…

A simple recipe for Chestnut Chicken Soup

Chestnut Chicken Soup has a creamy white color and a deliciously rich and mellow taste. The chicken meat is tender and flavorful, while the chestnuts add a sweet and aromatic flavor. When tasting this soup, you can start by savoring a spoonful of the original Chestnut Chicken Soup, enjoying its delicious taste and unique aroma.…

Loach yam soup

In the rich aroma of the kitchen, a taste of antiquity emerges on the tip of the tongue. It is the Mud Loach and Chinese Yam Soup, a simple yet unforgettable delicacy. When tasting this soup, the first thing to mention is its unique flavor. The tender mud loach and refreshing Chinese yam blend perfectly,…

Cordyceps flower chicken soup

When tasting this Cordyceps flower and chicken soup, the first thing that one experiences is the rich aroma and delicious taste. The soup has a golden shine and emits an enticing aroma. With each sip, the delicate aroma of the Cordyceps flower intertwines with the savory taste of the chicken, allowing one to fully appreciate…