Hawthorn Sauce

Calories: 564kcal/100g Function: Removes fishy smell, enhances flavor, increases acidity, adds color Introduction: Hawthorn sauce is a medicinal food made primarily from hawthorn. It has a good effect on digestion and eliminating meat stagnation. Many digestive aids incorporate hawthorn as an ingredient. It is rich in vitamins, hawthorn acid, citric acid, flavonoids, and other compounds…

Categorized as Seasoning


Classification: Family Fagaceae, Genus Castanea Calories: 213kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Supports spleen and stomach health, strengthens muscles and bones, stops bleeding and reduces swelling Not suitable for: Individuals with heat constitution, pregnant women, diabetes, indigestion, constipation Introduction: Raw chestnuts have a crisp texture, while cooked chestnuts are soft, tender, and sweet. The stems are thick and…

Categorized as Seasoning

Chicken wings

Calories: 194kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promotes growth and development, enhances beauty and skincare Not suitable for: Individuals with kidney disease, hot toxic nodules, hypertension, cholecystitis, gallstones Introduction: Chicken wings are the wing portion of a chicken. They are rich in protein, various B vitamins (including vitamin B6 and vitamin B12), as well as minerals such as…

Orange juice

Calories: 45kcal/100g Function: Removes fishy taste, adds color, enhances flavor, acts as a thickening agent Introduction: Orange juice is the liquid extract of oranges obtained by squeezing or piercing the fruit. It is rich in various substances such as vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, carotenoids, fructose, citric acid, and vitamin P. Orange juice has…

Categorized as Seasoning

Baking powder

Function: Increases product volume, enhances product stability, improves production efficiency, enhances product texture Introduction: Baking powder is a compound leavening agent. It is a white powder made by adding acidic materials to baking soda and using cornstarch as a filler. It is also known as foaming powder or fermentation powder. Baking powder is commonly used…

Categorized as Seasoning

Cinnamon bark

Calories: 199kcal/ 100g Effects: Removes fishy smell, reduces greasiness, enhances aroma and flavor, kills bacteria, and acts as a natural preservative. Introduction: Cinnamon bark has a warm nature and belongs to the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians. It is a general term for the bark of trees such as Cinnamomum cassia, Cinnamomum loureiroi, Cinnamomum burmannii,…

Categorized as Seasoning

Fermented bean curd

Fermented bean curd Picture: Calories: 240kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Seasoning, umami enhancement, appetizing and aid digestion, cholesterol reduction Not suitable for: Individuals with hypertension, gout, kidney disease Introduction: Fermented bean curd, also known as tofu cheese, is made using dried tofu as the main ingredient. Suitable varieties of mold are added, and the mixture is cultivated…

Categorized as Seasoning

Chopped pepper

Calories: 212kcal/100g Function: Seasoning, enhances aroma and spiciness, adds flavor to dishes Introduction: Chopped pepper sauce is mainly made from ingredients such as chili peppers, ginger, garlic, and others. It has a sour and spicy taste with a strong aroma. It can enhance the texture and flavor of dishes, particularly when paired with meats or…

Categorized as Seasoning

Rice vinegar

Calories: 11kcal/100g Function: Reduces fishy odor, enhances aroma, increases acidity, improves taste, prevents aging, promotes blood circulation Introduction: Rice vinegar is made from various grains and fruits such as sorghum, glutinous rice, barley, corn, sweet potatoes, distillers’ grains, red dates, apples, grapes, and persimmons. It has a long history and is a versatile seasoning. Rice…

Categorized as Seasoning

Yellow rice wine

Yellow rice wine Picture: Calories: 85kcal/100g Function: Reduces fishy odor, enhances freshness, improves taste, promotes beauty and skincare, clears meridians, stimulates appetite Introduction: Yellow rice wine, also known as huangjiu, is one of the oldest types of alcoholic beverages in the world. The quality of the yeast strain used determines the quality of the wine.…

Categorized as Seasoning